gas blower 465 CFM and 195 MPH to blow pool lines

Jul 20, 2013
Can I use this blower to blow pool lines? Or is it too strong?

I have no use for this blower and it's missing the carburetor, but if it can be used to blow pool lines I may as well fix it and use it.

I've been using air compressor and it's been fine, except main drain barely gets any bubbles and I'm not too sure I get all the water out of the skimmers.


P.S. I never used leaf blowers
If you can a way to attach it to a port, it's actually better than a garage mechanic's compressor. A compressor is high pressure, low volume. Gets the job done, but can be a little harsh on your plumbing. (Same applies to blowing out your lawn sprinklers).

A backpack blower is just the opposite. LOW Pressure, HIGH volume. Which is ideal for blowing out lines. I finally bit the bullet last year and bought the Cyclone 2 from Amazon:

Are you saying air compressor can damage lines? I think I run it at 5 PSI maybe 10 at most.

how about this blower - is 465 CFM not too strong?

No I am talking about compressors in a mechanics garage that operate pneumatic tools at 90 - 120 PSI. 5-10 PSI is very safe and way less than the PSI of water running through lines. So that is fine. But most HPLV compressors, if you can even dial them down that low, probably will not have enough volume to blow out a main drain.
You could also use the exhaust port on a big shop vac. The backpack blower will work and shouldn't hurt the pipes it may make a mess tho. They are also very effective at cleaning gutters but again with that messy part.
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