Preparing for Ascorbic Acid Treatment - pH rise with Polyquat 60

Jun 30, 2015
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Liquid Chlorine
In preparing for an AA treatment to remove metal staining, I lowered my pH from 7.6 to 7.2 with Muriatic Acid on Sunday evening. Tested again last night and pH was still at 7.2. As a note my CYA was between 20-30 and my FC was at 5. Following the test I added 48 oz of Polyquat 60 anticipating it would further reduce by FC by morning and I could start the AA treatment. This morning, my FC was at 4 (tested using my DPD drops and not my TF-100 Taylor chemicals) and my pH had jumped back up to 7.5. I can lower the pH again by adding more MA, but before doing that and proceeding with the AA treatment wanted to get input if there is something else going on I should be paying attention to before proceeding with adding the AA. How long should I wait between adding the MA and starting the AA treatment, the standard hour or two the MA normally takes to mix in and reduce my pH or should I wait longer?
That makes sense but why the pH rise overnight in the first place I guess is my first question? Does Polyquat 60 cause pH to rise? I've had near constant pH between 7.4 and 7.6 since opening a month ago so it just seemed odd. TA has been between 80 and 90 as well (80 seems to be the normal sweet spot).
So bizarre. Just retested before adding MA and my pH was down to 7.4. Wasn't sure so retested and confirmed. Must have gotten a fat or extra drop this morning. Lesson learned to always retest if an unexpected result is achieved to eliminate human error. Confirmed no more FC so I guess it's time to start after the MA dose I just put in mixes. Just hoping the rain stays away the rest of the evening so I can get it done. If not then it will be an early morning for me.
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