Problem with pool filter and need advice

Jun 8, 2008
Here is a description of what is going on...I was vacuuming the bottom of the pool this evening. I went to unhook the hose and was going to backwash. I noticed that the pump basket was not full, but just immediately using the water as quickly as it entered it from the pool. This often happens when it needs backwashed, so I tried that, but the water was barely coming out of the backwash hose and it is not backwashing correctly. The only thing I can think of is that maybe something is stuck in the line between the skimmer and the pump basket, but the water seems to be entering the pump basket correctly, with a full stream of water. ??

Any thoughts would be welcome.

First, make sure the water level is high enough that the skimmer is drawing in a good amount of water. Then check the skimmer basket to be sure it isn't clogged. Then check the pipe between the skimmer and the pump.
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