Baker Hydro Air Relief Screen/Filter Question


Aug 17, 2015
My boyfriend and I had sand coming into the pool last year near the end of the season, so we emptied all the sand out of the filter, let it all dry out and have now removed the laterals and inspected them. One lateral had a small crack (not sure if sand could actually pass through it though), so we replaced it, and put all the laterals back in. When we were ordering the lateral, we also remembered that the air relief tube had come undone, so we ordered a new one, and saw that there was an air relief screen that when on it (stated on the website and the diagram - Parts for Baker Hydro Baker filter parts, Baker-Hydro Baker HRV Sand filter parts). We don't remember seeing an air relief screen at the end of our tube, so we think that may be a reason why sand was coming into the pool.

But anyways, my question is; where does the Air Relief Screen rest? It seems one end goes onto the air relief tube, but the other end seems to rest into the lid where the pressure gauge is. This is what the screen looks like Baker Hydro Air Relief Screen 15B0074 - Midwest Pool Spa. Do we have to remove the black rubber part to put it on the tube, and rest the white plastic part into the only space in the lid? We aren't sure if by resting the screen into the lid, it may affect the ability to read the pressure in the filter. I am not too sure how to explain it, I am hoping someone has dealt with this type of filter and can provide a bit of clarification.

If I am not clear enough, let me know and I can try to elaborate, thank you! :)

Edit: My sand filter is from Foxx Pools and model F3-24-63
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