Metal Magic Maintenance Dose after successful treatment


LifeTime Supporter
May 4, 2010
Just opened the pool this past weekend and I was Happy to see that the MM treatment I did last September to remove the metal stains is still holding up. The liner looks great!!!

Here is the procedure I followed......
Removing Metal Stains with MM

Now to keep it that way. The maintenance dose on the bottle says 3oz/10K gallons every week. Is this something I will need to do for the rest of my pool's life?
Run53...yes, I'm afraid you will need to maintain, though perhaps not quite at that rate if you prefer to use a visual cue such as a slight tint to the steps.

However, are you on well and do you know what your readings are in terms of iron and copper?

I ask because while culator did absolutely nothing for me, switching my fill source to softened water has enabled me to dramtically reduce my metals to "almost" not staining. Eg for copper, .3, for iron, .3 to .4 -- borderline stain territory.

If you're on well, have a dual softener system for capacity (otherwise tops ups will use all the treated water and switch over to raw well) its a consideration. There are also some mechanical filters (pre filters, usually) that can reduce the load.

With the pre filters, like all mecanical media filters, including the small greensand type, the amount you remove depends on the ppm and the flow another poster here who tested a Metal Trap pre-filter (green sand) reported a reduction from 1.3 ppm iron in source water to about .4. Others have used a polishing filter bag called Slimebag, which you can fit on a return, to reduce metal, particularly when oxidized. (The Slime Bag | The Easiest Way To Maintain Crystal Clear Pool Water. )

So I don't mean to leave you with the impression that any of the filters will magically remove all metal, but when it comes to metal management and metals accrued over time from source water it certainly helps reduce the sequestrant diet ;)

So if you tell me a litte more about your water source, metal level, etc. I'd be happy to share any tactics I've had luck with.
Thanks for the detailed response.

My water supply is the city (no well). So not sure how I ended up with metals in my water. As far as the levels, I have not tested for them. I can have the pool store do the tests the next time I go there (which is not often). Unless you know of a reliable test kit I can order.

I guess for now, I will just follow the MM recommended maintenance dosage. The liner looks great after the MM treatment last fall and I'd like to keep it that way.

Thanks again for your help.
So, I had the water tested for metals on Saturday and there was 0.2 ppm iron and 0.0 ppm copper. However I read in another post that the MM may just be masking the iron from the test results and may actually still be present.

I purchased more MM so I can keep up the maintenance dosages. Unfortunately, if I can't trust the iron reading, it's difficult to know the required maintenance dose. The MM label says for metal amounts of 2-3 ppm, use 16oz per 10K gallons monthly. But for my reading (0.2 ppm) only use 3-6 oz per 10K gallons monthly. Not sure which dosage to use to keep the stains away.

Anyone have experience with this?
It is true that sequestered metals can lower the metal tested below actual metal present. I would start at the lower dose and only increase if you begin to see a stain. Usually increasing the dose quickly will lift the stain and keep it sequestered.
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