What is this sign my pump is making?


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Oct 7, 2013
Southern NH
Hi All,

I've noticed that when the temps are cooler (at least I believe it's only when cooler), maybe sub 55 degrees, my pump emits this odd scratchy sound. The hum/running sound of the motor seems fine and consistent, but this is an additive noise sometimes. No idea what it is, or if it could be the sign of a soon to die bearing or something. System is only 3 years old. Again, no extra noise when the temps are higher. Anything to worry about?

Here's a clip of the sound. Listen for he inconsistent sound - the scratchy, leaf ruffling sound, or like a can with sand in it is being shaken vigorously...

Pump Sound Clip

Thanks for the help!
Can you isolate the noise to either the pump head or the motor? Try taking a large screw driver and placing the handle to your ear and the tip to different parts of the pump and motor. That can often help isolate pump noises from motor noise. If it is temp related you might have a slight air leak in the strainer basket o-ring, or another suction fitting due to thermal shrinkage. best thing you can do is try and isolate the cause and keep an ear out for changes in the noise.
My first guess at that noise would have been pump side suction noise.
If it ends up being the motor, in my experience that tends to be a bearing sound. I've heard pumps run like that for a long time with no change and some go down hill quickly after making that sound. Don't panic just keep an ear out for any changes in noise. Maybe look into a nice VS motor up grade for that pump head. Last I looked a complete tristar VS pump was running about $750 with free shipping.
Hmmm. Maybe it is pump side then. I'd be shocked if it was the motor already. It's still under warranty though, through October. I'll take a closer look (listen) tonight.

Stupid typo in the thread title too. What "sign" vs "sound". I need to slow down. :)
If it's motor end and it's still under warranty I would start talking with the people you got it from about replacing the motor. They do go bad but that's why they warranty them.

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It sounds a little like cavitation to me. Can you get closer to the pump outlet and record the sound. It is a little muffled.

Did the pump always make this sound or did something in your plumbing change recently? New pool cleaner, valve settings, anything....
It only makes the send when the outside temps are cooler, not always. I'm revised my temp in the first post too. I'd say sub 45 degrees, is when I hear it. It was 48 last night, and no noise. Very strange. And no, nothing has changed.
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