liner wrinkles

  1. O

    Mysterious Wrinkles in our liner

    We noticed these wrinkles forming from our integrated steps and moving towards our skimmer box towards the end of last season. We contacted our builder (pool was just over a yr old at that point), and they took photos. They returned today for more photos to send to the GLI rep. Any clue what...
  2. A

    New wrinkles on old liner

    Hi! I’ve had my above ground pool, partially buried, for a little over a year. It has an overlap liner which just formed new wrinkles this week right under the railing. I’m guessing that I can just pull and readjust it, but I’m worried that there may be a bigger issue. We just had a pool party...
  3. F

    Vinyl Liner Wrinkles in Corner Walls

    My vinyl liner has wrinkles in the corners along the wall that developed suddenly over the past week. This is our third season and never had this issue before. No leaks detected using the bucket test and water chemistry maintained regularly. This leads me to a ground water issue but are there...