heavy algae

  1. P

    Can't seem to shake the Algae

    Looking for some algae advice. My Chlorine 33,000-gallon pool's DE filter went down about a week ago. One of the grids had a golf ball size hole that was causing havoc. No matter what I through at the algae, shock, Green to blue, and so on, nothing seems to get it corrected. Every time I go...
  2. M

    SLAMing inground pool with DE filter, no recirculate...

    This is my first time opening a pool. I think I closed down too early last fall and therefore opened up my pool to a nice shade of dark green. Never fear! I am a true believer in the TFP SLAM method and have stocked up on liquid chlorine. I went through my first day, lots of sweeping and...
  3. D

    Seriously green and sludgey for months - Safe after cleaning?

    I had pump and electrical issues for quite some time, causing my pool to sit stagnant for most of winter. I've gotten everything repaired, and I'm starting SLAM. The algae got so bad, it's got a huge build up of sludge in the bottom. One 8-10ft scoop over the bottom with the net nearly fills the...