broken filter

  1. A

    Sand Filter done for?

    We emptied the pump basket of debris, and when we turned the pump back on and it went through priming, this yuck showed up. Sand maybe...? Anyone have something similar happen and realize their sand filter was done for? We're finding sand in the bottom of the pool, but east of Houston area has...
  2. H

    broken filters (i’m suspecting maintenance guy broke it..)

    Last Thursday morning, we had a regular pool & fountain maintenance guy. We were thinking of switching the maintenance company because of how they charge us is so random & additionally charge us for frequent filter cleaning & adding more salt etc, which we didn’t experience with another company...
  3. ar26pt2

    Newbie warnings: cracked filter manifold and pucks on pebbletec

    So I’m pretty good at making mistakes and here are two this year: 1. Over winter I covered the filled pool and let the filter pump run a couple hours a day, in hopes of having an easy open. I ran filter 24/7 for a week before uncovering. Was still too cold for SWG to kick on, bleach was in short...