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  1. G

    Home Depot Muriatic Acid a joke!

    The Home Depot in my area still sells the 31% as do the pool stores. I guess after reading here a while I should be thankful. We get 12.5% chlorine in 5 gallon jugs for $11.99 too.
  2. G

    Triton II TR100 sand filter and cloudy water

    Until you get the algae to the point you only loose 1ppm or less overnight it won't matter about bathing suits during the day. What I mean is, you need to set and hold the shock level for however long it takes to clear the problem, not just clear the water. The only way to know when to stop is...
  3. G

    CYA test ~~ Trouble with view tube DOT .....

    :lol: I believe their pictures. I see that I was doing it wrong and after my test tonight I see that I am closer to 50 than 40 on CYA. My original technique would allow me to see the dot because I held it a little too close. I've got it covered and crazy is right.
  4. G

    CYA test ~~ Trouble with view tube DOT .....

    Well, call me crazy but I can still see the dot on my screen. It's faint but the dot is there. I see the outline on the bottom of the tube as well so my comment was about the fact that I'm looking too hard for the dot. I don't know, the more I look at it the more I wonder if what I see is what...
  5. G

    CYA test ~~ Trouble with view tube DOT .....

    Interesting post and Butterfly thanks for the link. My CYA may be a little higher than I think. See, I can still see the black dot at the bottom of the third photo in the link. With that being the case my number may actually be just a bit higher but not much. I was expecting the dot to go away...
  6. G

    $600 this month..... HELP!!!

    One thing that might help you smile is the creative answers you can give people when they ask about the amount of bleach your having to buy right now. I read a post here recently where people entered their replies. Should do a search and find it. :P I have followed the advice of the people...
  7. G

    Bleach on hand

    I buy 10 gallons of 12.5% from the pool store maybe every 2-4 weeks depending on the heat. Here we get the 5 gallon jugs of 12.5% for $12. Very reasonable if you ask me. I keep it outside but in a shady area in the back of the yard. So it sees the heat but not the direct sunlight. I do use...
  8. G

    I have a question....

    My comment here is to reflect what has been said already but wanted to repeat. Don't assume your pool needs something; test the water then take action based on the results. Last time I had that many kids here I needed an extra quart of 12% chlorine to counteract the use and that's it. I have...
  9. G

    What do you use to measure liquid chemicals?

    I need to get me one of these measuring cups everyone has. Today I have a bucket that was originally frozen Margarita mix with sharpie marks for quarts. I just do the math for number of cups in a quart. Measured the marks using a plastic Rubber-made tea pitcher with tap water.
  10. G

    Cooling the water off (please don't laugh)

    I would be in trouble with water at 80 degrees. Ha. The wife and kids like it closer to 92 and at times still complain about it being chilly. Myself, I like it closer to 85 degrees. Your fountain looks cool. I have a store bought model myself that connects to the return and makes a nice...
  11. G

    using fas-dpd for first time is this ok?

    You will only need to worry about shock if your water looks cloudy or measures .5ppm or more. With CC of 0 there is no need but to maintain proper chlorine level.
  12. G

    Testing bleach for chlorine concentration

    Close. My pool is 54" tall and the water stays nearly to the top of the skimmer. Just above the top side screws. Still, it may be close to 17,000 but its not what the calculator says. The 5ppm number came from the pool calculator. Adding Chlorox brand I did see about 5ppm for the same volume...
  13. G

    FC loss in 24hrs

    Outside temp has been an average of 95 with a pool temp of 91. I have been using anywhere from 3.5-7ppm in a 24 hour period lately; it depends on how much the kids swim and how many go swimming.
  14. G

    Swimming Pools in Colorado are iffy..

    I'm looking for some cooler weather myself. The pool has been 91-93 every day for the past several weeks. I'm having to run the fountain all the time in hopes of getting some of the heat out. You know though, even at 91 my 8 year old tells me the pool is chilly to her. What?? I would rather...
  15. G

    Question For All Pool Owners...

    This is where I am. I bought AG to save cost and worried about the look but after installing a nice deck I really like having it close to the house. The main thing on placement for me was my young kids. Two girls 6 and 8. I want to know if they or any of the friends gets around the pool from...
  16. G

    need help with conversion

    A full set of numbers would help but the main thing I'm looking for is your CYA level. If your at CYA of 45 or higher your not adding enough chlorine to clear the water. You want to be in the 16-20 range for shock. I believe the pool school link on the top right has the CYA/Chlorine chart that...
  17. G

    Diluted CYA and Salt & Leak

    The numbers look fine to me. I would wait until the repair is completed, run the full test set, then decide if you need to make a change. CYA of 45 is a good number.
  18. G

    Should I raise my CYA Level

    I'm new here but my advice would be to leave the CYA at the current level. You may be using more bleach at the moment but this will slow down as the weather changes. Having a high CYA at that point would not be a benefit to you. So, looking long term I would suggest staying where you are and...
  19. G

    TF-100 and the 5 way home depot Kit. Not Accurate?

    If your Home Depot is like mine the test kits are stored outside in the back with the garden supplies. The package says to store the reagents in a cool dry place; outside in the garden is not that place. I would trust the TF kit before I trusted the Home Depot version.
  20. G

    Testing bleach for chlorine concentration

    This is what I did. I expected a rise of 5ppm on a gallon and a half but got 7 instead. According to the calculator for my size pool this would be 8% at 192oz. This was the "Basic" brand from my local grocery store. (Kroger) I normally use 12% from the pool store as it's cheaper but getting...
  21. G

    For those who doubt the BBB method...

    I hope my water never gets that bad but if it does at least I know the techniques work well. Pool looks great now.
  22. G

    First pool water fill test

    Mine sat for about a week before I had power out to the pump due to weather. You will be fine on the water if your just going a few days before connecting everything.
  23. G

    gsmornot saying Hi.

    Thanks. I will have a look at the link. Already I use the 10ml sample to save on drops and really don't mind using them just seem to go through them quickly when killing CC.
  24. G

    gsmornot saying Hi.

    I have been looking at the site for about 3 weeks now but have absorbed a lot of information. I feel like I have a handle on things thanks to all the great information found here and Pool Solutions which I read first leading me here. I'm new to owning a pool and have just owned mine for 5 weeks...