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  1. B

    Taylor test kit came!!!! here are the results.... help!! lol

    Ok, So I been having these issues where my cartridge filters keep clogging because of all the dead alage. To my surprise this morning most of it was on bottom. So I vacuumed to waste with my cartridge filter by taking cartridge out of hosing and running return straight into sewer. My pool is...
  2. B

    Cartridge presssure????

    My filters are running at about 4-6 over starting pressure. But the return isn't that strong at all. When should I rinse filter off. Been doing it about every 2 hours and it is getting exhausting. I just feel that it is not pushing enough water through when it is 4-6 or even 2 PSI over normal...
  3. B

    Pool first aid

    Anyone ever have any luck with "Pool first aid" by natural chemistry? I put some in today and hoping for the best. I been switching cartridges out all day and cleaning them for at least last 10 hours. They are still getting clogged up pretty fast. About an hour is all I get out of them before...
  4. B

    DEAD ALGAE!! About to just drain whole pool

    My pool has so much white floating particles. I assume it is dead algae. Can't even put my cartridge filter in because it just clogs up. It is also only a 5 day old cartridge. PLEASE HELP!!
  5. B

    Where did my topic GO??/

    Does my thread have to be approved before posting?
  6. B

    SUPER NEWB! Cant seem to get it right .

    So last Thursday I decided to open my pool after not opening last year. I bought a brand new cartridge for my filter. I pumped the water off the tarp and took it off. But some of the stuff on the tarp got in pool because it ripped. So I started my shock treatment. Since Thursday I have used...