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  1. Pool.jpg


  2. waldrondigital

    Algae Growth On Grout Below Water Line

    Our Breeze SWG cell wasn't producing chlorine at an acceptable level, so I replaced it which solved the issue. FC was almost non-existent for a brief time, but is around 4 now. I'm having issues with minor bright green algae growth below the water line on the grout. I've brushed it off twice...
  3. waldrondigital

    Noob IntelliFlo VS Install Question

    Jason thanks for the replies. The unions I'm talking about are these: which I linked to above, but could have been missed. They are...
  4. waldrondigital

    Noob IntelliFlo VS Install Question

    Okay, obviously I won't be cutting anything until I compare the old pump placement to the new. So I use a sleeve piece to cross connect the existing cut pipe to the new unions, right? Are all these pumps sort-of standard in terms of pipe height, etc? Or is there a chance the IF VS connection...
  5. waldrondigital

    Noob IntelliFlo VS Install Question

    First off, let me say thank thank thank you for TFP. I've owned a pool (bought a new house) for exactly 3 weeks and have learned a wealth of information from this website. The Pool Calculator is invaluable as are all the great people and threads here.... I've learned a ton. I'm coming from a...
  6. Capture.jpg
