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  1. L

    Pool cover- intex

    I know this sounds crazy, but I keep a small leaf blower close by. Before I remove the cover, I blow off all of the loose debris. I know this sounds like an extra step, but it allows faster swimming time. I like to blow cover, remove and swim. Otherwise it ends up being: remove cover and all...
  2. L

    Patio Pool Help!!

    Thanks to everyone who provided direction, advice, and idea's. I am still going to think on this a few days and decide which direction I should take. If anyone reads this and has any ideas or suggestions, please respond. I am open to any help.... Thank you again, Larry
  3. L

    Patio Pool Help!!

    Pv2, I thought about doing as you stated. I have set up the top frame in order to see where the legs/pavers would be set. Maybe use a build up of foam board for the base, trim down until flush with upside. Afterwards, use play sand to flush each "step down" of foam board, then a heavy duty...
  4. L

    Patio Pool Help!!

    Pv2,, Thank you for the response. The measurement was taken from a smaller pool I had assembled the past three years. It was a 12x36 metal frame. (Intex with White poles/frame). I measured the water line from the high side to the top of pool, and measured the low side to the top of the...
  5. L

    Patio Pool Help!!

    Hello All, I am sure this has been asked, but I have searched here and the internet, read a ton of stuff, and my thoughts are all running together. I have purchased a Pro Series 14x42 AGP. The only area I have for install is on my back private patio. Obviously, for draining purposes, the pad...
  6. L

    Hello Everyone.

    Thank you all very much!!
  7. L

    Hello Everyone.

    Hello everyone!! I discovered TFP forum several days ago and find it hard to stop reading. I have discovered so many neat things concerning pools. I owned a basic AG Intex 12'x39" for the past four years. This year, I decided to upgrade to an Pro Series Ultra Frame 14'x42". It is a small...