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  1. AprilsZoo

    I’m baaack.... and have some build ??

    Hi all... long time no see. I had to give up my beautiful, awesome, perfectly balanced, truly trouble-free pool a little over 4 years ago when I moved away from sunny Tucson, AZ to rainy, barely-ever-breaks-85° F Bainbridge Island, WA. There were a few days each summer when jumping in the pool...
  2. AprilsZoo

    Testing higher pH values...

    The quote was taken from this discussion about the parameters that are relevant to calculating CSI (and other tangential ideas ;) ). I've noticed in all my time reading and lurking, that the only option ever suggested to those who want to let their pool operate at a higher pH (@ or around 8.2...
  3. AprilsZoo

    Updated? in a post.

    Why is it that sometimes in a post I'll see: ------Updated------ and then there is added text afterward... But the only way I have ever seen to add more to a post, is with the "edit post" button which at least for me has never shown an "updated" notation. In addition it wants a reason for...
  4. AprilsZoo

    Rear mount vs. bottom mount pressure gauge?

    The pressure gauge on my filter is the rear mount type. I'm wondering if it's possible to replace it with the bottom mount type so it could be viewed my looking straight down at it instead of bending over to view it from the side? Does that make sense? :confused: Would it work? I can't see...