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  1. R

    Replace sand?

    I'll check. Again, I had the same setup for ten plus years w/o incident. The run times were 6 hrs max. This problem began last year right after the liner/sand change. I did run the pump for fifteen(15) consecutive days earlier this season with a very, very slow clear up. Only after the DE...
  2. R

    Replace sand?

    Pump runs 8hr/day. Four in the morning, the rest in the evening.
  3. R

    Replace sand?

    It seems like the sand alone isn't doing the job. Once I add DE, clarity starts to come back.
  4. R

    Replace sand?

    I keep it on the higher side of the 5-9 range. 7-9. It dropped to a three once, but it was in the middle of this season long problem. I use bleach exclusively, except when I'm out of town. I drop a 3" trichlor in the skimmer which keeps it up while I'm gone
  5. R

    Replace sand?

    FAS-6 CC-0 TA-100 pH-7.5 CYA-60 Temp80* Overnight test is unchanged, it's been at 0-.5 since I got the TFT some weeks back. Overnight test is done weekly. I got the sand at a local pool store, don't remember the sands "brand" name. Wonder if it was a bad batch.
  6. R

    Replace sand?

    Ever since I replaced liner/sand in the middle of last season, water clarity has been a problem. Ten years prior, no issues. Nothing else has changed, except this year I purchased a TFT kit. All the numbers are within range. The water slowly turns a greenish/yellow(cc is zero). All other numbers...
  7. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    From 180 to 90? I just lowered pH today AFTER the latest readings. The past three weeks no one has been in the pool because of this problem. The backfill water added was about 2". Will it get lowered that much? Thanx
  8. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    *Update* 80* FC 8.0 CC 0 pH 8.0 TA 90 CYA 70 Added sodium bisulfate for pH. About 90% better. Still a little hazy. Adding DE once a day, after two hrs pressure goes up so I backwash and a lot of dirty water comes out. Backwash w/o DE, not so much. I noticed pH went up and TA was cut in half...
  9. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    Yeah sorry, 8 is when pump is off. So 24 is my normal psi. I'm thinking 24-8=16. 16 is the "true" number?
  10. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    Took filter completely apart. cleaned rinsed sand. There wasnt that much debris, but rinse was green. Found crack in center pipe where it is seated on the lateral assembly. Replaced with schedule 26 PVC, identical in o.d. and the i.d. eyeballs the same. W/o my micrometer on hand, I can be for...
  11. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    Gauge is at 8, so that brings us to 16. 18-19 w/24 hrs of DE
  12. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    DE was in for about a day before I back washed. I'm back washing everyday. Looked about the same as not having it. Every 24 hrs is a little clearer. Not sure if I should continue the DE. Sand was changed mid season last year. Pressure was fine so I never flushed it. Should I start cleaning sand...
  13. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    VERY gradual, problem started last Wed or Thurs, at its worst this past Wed.. Tried a little DE one time, pressure only went up 2 psi. Wonder if I should try more with maybe a dose n a half?
  14. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    Wasn't available for the afternoon shock, however, OCLT was: 11.5- 10:30 pm 10.5- 07:30 am CC-0 TA-100 pH-7.8
  15. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    OTCL 9.5 last night-8pm 7.5 this morning-8am Stated shock process, 18 ppm now, sunny n hot is the forecast. Should I test through out the day, or wait until later this afternoon?
  16. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    Thanks for the help Linen. I'm about to start the initial phase now. No more direct sun on the pool. I'll post results in the a.m.. The pressure remains 1 psi above norm 9 hrs later, do you think filter/pump is oversized, pushing too much volume through? I was reading about that elsewhere on...
  17. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    UPDATE- TF-100 results: FAS/DPD-10.5 CC-.5 TC-11 pH-7.8 TA-180 CYA-40 CH-80 Water- 84*, still cloudy, but not as bad. Added some DE according to school directions earlier today. Hopefully this will help speed up clarity. Keeping an eye on pressure, hasn't risen since initial 1 psi. BTW, in...
  18. R

    Sand w/a little help?

    Thanx GC
  19. R

    Sand w/a little help?

    Thinking about adding a little DE to help the sand out? Is there any downside? Read adding de to sand, here at TFP? Once this is done is there any turning back? Does is dissipate over time? I know there's loss during backwash, but how much? Will this also work if I install a SWG? Thanks for any...
  20. R

    Intex 5460

    Wondering about an Intex 5460 for my pool. Will this work with my system? Any advise is appreciated. Intex rep said no, but sounded unsure. Thanx
  21. R

    Mostly cloudy, chance of Floc?

    Hi All, 10 yrs w/o incident. Crystal clear water, even upon opening. Using 6 way strips, A little ph adjustment, some shock and we were good to go. A couple of weeks after we replaced the liner last year, the pool became progressively cloudy. Whitish up close, light green/yellowish from afar...