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  1. W

    How Clear is TFP Clear? Let's See (Pics Only Please).

    @YippeeSkippy (Maddie). No trouble getting a liner. It is a standard beaded liner. The pool structure is in pretty good shape for being so old. When they replaced the liner, there were some roots growing along the channel along the bottom but they were removed and the liner went in with no...
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    How Clear is TFP Clear? Let's See (Pics Only Please).

    Hi Maddie The pool is a Mardi Gras which is no longer mfg unfortunately. The pool was already here when we moved in in 1995. The house was built in 1986. I am guessing the pool was installed in 1987-1990 because the liner had some miles on it the first year we opened it in 1996. When I went to...
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    How Clear is TFP Clear? Let's See (Pics Only Please).

    Here's a couple of my AGP and of my son's IGP. Both are TFP. Mine is manual with bleach and his is SWG with full automation.
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    Official 2020 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

    I always have a tough time getting the silver skin off too. I have had good success with *CAREFULLY* scoring the silver skin with a clean utility knife. By utility knife I mean one of the kind with replaceable razor blades like you buy at Home Depot or Lowes. I use a diamond pattern with the...
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    August and pool is losing water again

    Ok. I'll defer to the OP that postulated that something might be drying out and opening up starting in the mid-August time frame.
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    August and pool is losing water again

    Is it possible that the seasonal groundwater levels are very close to the ground surface for most of the summer and then drop down in August? Imagine a bowl full of water with a small crack in the side near the rim (your pool). It is in a basin of water (the groundwater outside your pool and...
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    DPD powder

    I've successfully cleaned mine with bleach. Just did it tonight actually for the first time this season. You only need a little bit 1-2 ml, use a paper towel to gently clean the inside and then rinse very well.
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    Large hole patch-repair

    My pool store had the small kits but they also had the big piece of vinyl about 24 in square. Near the vinyl they also had large cans of the patch adhesive. The can was about the size of a can of PVC pipe cement about 4 in high by 2-1/2 in in diameter. I used about half the can on the big patch...
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    Large hole patch-repair

    Hi CFPoolguy, Take a look at this thread. I had to do this myself a couple of years ago and posted this. You can read the whole thing by my post starts at #5. Liner around skimmer Hope it helps, Bill
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    Winter cover for AGP

    Thanks, Joe. I have a few of those river floats but I have been afraid to use them for this because of possible ice damage. We want to use them as river floats in the pines each year. Does the ice in the pool damage them?
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    Winter cover for AGP

    I also find that covers rarely last more than 3 years tops. So now I buy the cheaper ones. Lately, I've gone with two covers. The newest one on first and the oldest one on top. I have an 15x30 AGP with a 15 in deck all around and a railing. I've had this pool for 21 years and I have tried most...
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    Winter cover for AGP

    Hey JoeSelf, I'm over in Mickleton, NJ. Where do you buy your covers? I have a 15x30 oval with a 15 inch deck around 3/4 of it and a 6 ft deck at one end. I usually get what you get with a 3 ft overlap but I've seen some lately with a 4 ft overlap for a bit more. How much was your cover if you...
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    Liner around skimmer

    I never took my skimmer off and I left the water below the bottom of the skimmer like in the first picture for the whole winter from mid-Oct to the end of May when I took the cover off. Then I left it as it was until the fourth of July weekend. That's when I did the patch and filled the pool and...
  14. Pool_After_1.jpg


  15. Skimmer_Before_1.jpg


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    Liner around skimmer

    Hi Dbustamante00, I had this same problem this year. I noticed that the liner had pulled away from the bottom of the skimmer and was severely leaking last year when I closed the pool. I decided to lower the water level below the the bottom of the skimmer and then I put the pool to bed for the...
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    Ready to close AGP and I have a serious leak and am looking for advice -- Long read

    Thanks JVTrain. I did come across some of those videos and I watched them. I got some heavy duty food dye from my wife who works at a bakery. Bright Orange. I put some in a left over reagent dropper bottle from the TF test kit. I think understand the difference between the reagent dropper...
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    Ready to close AGP and I have a serious leak and am looking for advice -- Long read

    Hi all, I am getting ready to close my AGP and was just keeping it balanced and clean and waiting for the water temp to be < 60 deg-F and I discover that I have a big leak. Well, a bigger leak than I thought anyway. The pool details are in my sig. Of course, my water is beautiful and crystal...
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    Our green monster! oh no!

    My apologies. I don't mean to hijack or walk all over someone else who is giving the advice. I will defer to the gurus. AllMar -- please stick to the advice of the OPs or the primary thread advisor. Admins -- please remove my previous post if it is ill-advised or not appropriate. Thanks, Bill
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    Our green monster! oh no!

    AllMar, Dare I say . . . you could consider alum flocculant at this point? According to AllMar, chemistry looks OK. Metals as a question have been eliminated. Been SLAM'd and passes OCLT but water is not clear. Now been a couple of weeks of filtering with no real improvement. However, the pool...
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    Helping a friend: This should be a good one

    Thanks for the kudos, Mr. Bruce. I am just paying it back. That pool looks great and those pics of the pool with the noodles means that you are swimming in it, yes? Most excellent. Enjoy, you have certainly earned and are a good friend. As I recall the title of this thread says it all -- Helping...
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    Helping a friend: This should be a good one

    Nice video of the alum introduction to the pool. I always just took those buckets and poured them in by walking around the pool edge a couple of times. Either way works I guess. Good luck on the last 10%. I have also had to do it a couple of times. After this addition you probably will see it...
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    Helping a friend: This should be a good one

    Mr. Bruce -- No problem! :p Sorry you had to wait so long to get the info but I am glad you didn't have to drain it. Looks like there were a lot of issues associated with that -- the neighbors yard, the V-shape, etc. I also thought that draining would not really help unless you could get all of...
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    Helping a friend: This should be a good one

    @MrBruce, I saw the thread back in June and read through it and thought this *WILL* be a nice story, I should check back on it. Then I lost track of it, it wasn't showing up in the new posts list and I could not remember how to get it back. I think I finally saw a recent post about it and then I...
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    Helping a friend: This should be a good one

    Answer for Kimkats, The alum was recommended to me in a similar situation. I had had a bad algae bloom. I was still using a pool store for all advice and water testing. We treated the algae with lots of cal-hypo 65% shock. That took a couple of weeks. I have no idea what my CYA was at the time...
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    Helping a friend: This should be a good one

    I agree 100% with what DaninFLA said. Once it was determined that the water was balanced and the algae was gone, then the problem was different -- suspended solids and FLOC is ok for solving that problem. - - - Updated - - - Thank you very much, Mr Bruce but there's no need to buy me dinner...
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    Helping a friend: This should be a good one

    For kimkats; I do have an old bottle of alum and the steps from the bottle are: Adjust pH of water to 8.0 and stop pump while applying alum. Sprinkle 3.4oz of alum for each 1,000 gal of pool capacity evenly over the surface and agitate to distribute alum evenly. Wait approximately 24 hours or...
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    Helping a friend: This should be a good one

    I going outside to vacuum my own pool now. I will check in my shed to see if I have an old bottle of alum, I think I do. If I do, I'll see what the label says. I just did a quick internet search and I found at least few articles one says to lower pH to 7.0 and another says to raise it 8.0.
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    Helping a friend: This should be a good one

    I second that. I think the key on this one was realizing that the water was balanced and that the cloudiness was due to the suspended fine particulate and not due to algae. Someone else mentioned previously that some try to use the alum trick to fix algae. Heck, I forgot all about the alum...
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    Helping a friend: This should be a good one

    Oops. Sorry. I see that you did say that you were going to try the alum. Looks like it is doing the trick. Once or twice I did have to do it twice to get everything to settle out but it did eventually work. I know how frustrating it is to be trying everything to get the pool clear and nothing...