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  1. P

    Zero fc, cya 60

    I've used this method for the past few summers with no problems but I am trying to help a friend. They've used chlorine for years and this year are having problems with a crystal clear pool testing at zero fc. I tested a sample with the tf-100. Their cya is 60. What could be the problem...
  2. P

    New Liner, New Water....what to do now?

    I'm using 5.35 I think, I know it's 5 something.
  3. P

    New Liner, New Water....what to do now?

    As of last night my fc was 3, cl 3 and ph was 7.5. CYA was 40. The calculator is showing almost a gallon a day to replenish and get to 7fc. Does that sound about right? Pool looks great, just don't want to over do it if it's not needed. ---I think I may have found my issue...we have no...
  4. P

    New Liner, New Water....what to do now?

    I haven't done the full set of tests yet, was waiting a couple more days before checking cya. Last night my ph was the same as the prev night even though I added the borax according to the calculator. My FC was 3 last night so I added more bleach, I had the goal set to 7 on the calculator. Is...
  5. P

    New Liner, New Water....what to do now?

    Didn't test last night but did add bleach. Had a late night at a theme park was exhausted when I came in around 1am. Tested tonight: CL 2-4 PH 7.2 FC 2.5 Adding bleach and borax according to the pool calculator. Pool is crystal clear. What else should I be doing?
  6. P

    New Liner, New Water....what to do now?

    Thanks! Going to add the borax now. So if my FC is 5.5, where do I want it to be as far as adding more bleach this evening? Oh and can I add the borax and then bleach one right after the other?
  7. P

    New Liner, New Water....what to do now?

    Ok, so when I did the TA test it really looks more pink than red, but it didn't change in color between 5 and 7 drops, so TA is 50-70 I guess :?
  8. P

    New Liner, New Water....what to do now?

    Thanks vette! How/where should I add the borax?
  9. P

    New Liner, New Water....what to do now?

    OK, got the test kit, TF100, added 4 1/2 lbs of stabilizer last night and a gallon of bleach. This evening I am showing 3 Cl, 6.8 ph. FC is 5.5
  10. P

    New Liner, New Water....what to do now?

    Hi everyone! I am excited to try the BBB method after a few years of baquicil my wallet and I have had enough!! We are having to put in a new liner this year and will have water delivered. I have a 24 ft above ground, 13,500 gallons. What will I need to do next?