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  1. P

    trying to use anionic polymer

    I try the anionic polimer one time in a pool. It was very difficult to disolve in water. or in many water more than 10 L to have 1 ppm in a pool of 30 m3. The result was good (pool look better the next day) without problem with the sand filter. But the problem to disolve it..., the time to spend...
  2. P

    trying to use anionic polymer

    Hi, I have 35 kg of anionic polymer, for drinking water treatment. I will try to use it like a clarifer to let solids in suspension in pool with a bad hydrodynamics and sand filters. The aim is to avoid vacuming pools once a week. Is someone know something about the risks and effects... ...
  3. P

    Healthy ??? PHMB or silver for a baby pool

    I find all yours answers very useful. Now, I have more important informations to make a choice. I will study the subforum Baquacil to learn a lot. And I'm going to look at the prices of the products. I think that is a pity, that I do not find this website before. The others forums and are still...
  4. P

    Healthy ??? PHMB or silver for a baby pool

    Thanks, Ozone and activated carbon will be the best way. I saw this process in drinking water treatments plants years ago. I would like ... but... not enough money. And what do you think about PHMB, it's safer ??? and If i have problems ... -> I throw away the pool. Many Thanks and sorry for my...
  5. P

    Healthy ??? PHMB or silver for a baby pool

    Chem Geek you are right, this pool is like a spa. It's small and have many bather waste. If I have understood correctly, if I put more CYA, I can increase the masse of chlorine in the pool. = more chlorine to oxidize more material :?: . and chlorine is less reactive...Great. Is it really like...
  6. P

    Healthy ??? PHMB or silver for a baby pool

    Thanks for the advise, the FAS-DPD can be very usefull. I'm going to buy CYA and i will put it directly without the use of trichlorine tablet to raise CYA. I think : I could put 30 ppm (More could increase the risk that the melamine of toys and plastering accessories reacts with CYA?). The pool...
  7. P

    Healthy ??? PHMB or silver for a baby pool

    I was wrong with the breakpoint calculation, thanks. :hammer: I use a spectrophotometer with DPD to measure the FC and CC once a week. And because i don't want to waste time and DPD powder, twice a day FC with an OTO simple kit. I always put the TA into 80-130 ppm CaCO3 (I use Hach digital...
  8. P

    Healthy ??? PHMB or silver for a baby pool

    First, many thanks for yours answers and your links (very interesting). - Low FC (2-3% of the CYA) seems to be a good solution with polyQAC. (or, with phosphate remover if i see [phosphate]>1ppm). First I put CYA and then use Bleach:?: .... And Drain when a fecal insident occurs and balance...
  9. P

    Healthy ??? PHMB or silver for a baby pool

    I'm looking for a safe sanitization without DBP for my baby's pool. I have read that chlorine and bromine have a lot of DBP and the skin of a child is very permeable at chloroform. I have read that Uv and O3 can make DBP too (with a little bit of chlorine). So what do you know about the use of...