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  1. Mattikuss

    Optimal flow - VSF pump

    Hi Friends, I’ve been reading as much as I can about flow rates, pumps, and proper circulation and I just can’t get a clear picture on what is right. I have a variable speed pump and a SWG. My SWG gives me a flow error under 1250 RPM, so my minimal rate is that. I have a booster pump for my...
  2. Mattikuss

    What is this blue ball in hung in my pump basket?

    That copper float ball looks right. But why?! Is this like the people who put pennies in their skimmer baskets?
  3. Mattikuss

    What is this blue ball in hung in my pump basket?

    It’s definitely metal of some sort.
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  5. Mattikuss

    What is this blue ball in hung in my pump basket?

    Guessing it is some type of chemical.
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  7. Mattikuss

    Can’t stop flow while servicing

    This was the answer.
  8. Mattikuss

    Can’t stop flow while servicing

    I thought I did but apparently not. Lotta good that physics degree did me. I just opened the valves and I could hear the water clearing. The pump basket is now empty. I don’t know why I thought to close all the valves.
  9. Mattikuss

    Can’t stop flow while servicing

    I’m worried that if I open the filter that the same thing will happen and I won’t be able to stop it.
  10. Mattikuss

    Can’t stop flow while servicing

    Here is the equipment.
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  17. Mattikuss

    Can’t stop flow while servicing

    Pad is at pool level. Pictures incoming.
  18. Mattikuss

    Can’t stop flow while servicing

    Help! I am trying to clean these filter cartridges and clean out the pump basket but the water flow will not stop. I’ve cut the power and closed the valves but when I took the pump basket cover off water just started pouring out. What am I doing wrong?!
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  20. Mattikuss

    Pool still cloudy

    Fantastic. Thank you. Whew, no baths... for now!
  21. Mattikuss

    Pool still cloudy

    can you elaborate anymore on this? I found another thread for cartridge cleaning and it went through the process I described above. It sounds very involved so I’m relieved you’re saying it’s unnecessary. Would you mind telling me why though?
  22. Mattikuss

    Pool still cloudy

    Hi All, My levels are great following a two day slam FC - 16.5 CC- 0.5 CYA - 70 PH - 7.2 I am planning to bring my Cl up one more time just to make sure that everything is dead. The issue is that the pool is still super cloudy. I can’t see the bottom. I’ve been running the vacuum, the pump...
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  25. Mattikuss

    SWG error lights? Low pressure

    Thank you! Is it just a plug and play or do I need a plumber? The PVC looks like it just has compression knobs on each end of the SWG.
  26. Mattikuss

    SWG error lights? Low pressure

    The cell is dated 2017, guessing it’s EOL considering the chlorine level is 0 after running it for a week at 100%
  27. Mattikuss

    SWG error lights? Low pressure

    What does it mean when this light is flashing? Pool company told me to keep generator on at 100%, and it has been for a week, but Cl level is still zero. I’m wondering if there is something wrong with this generator.
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  29. Mattikuss

    Total Alkalinity - how much does it matter?

    My pool is dang near perfect, it’s vinyl so not a whole lot I need to worry about. CYA, Cl, pH are all spot on but this darn TA is giving me trouble. Several weeks ago it was 220, I hit it with a gallon of Baume, dropped it to 110, got the pH in check, all was good. I added 4lbs of CYA 48 hours...
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