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  1. I

    Low salt readings on multiple brand new salt cells

    I have an Aquarite chlorine generator that's probably around 20 years old but had its board replaced within the last 5 years. My Hayward T-CELL-15 started failing after only 2.5 years. Due to the significant increase in prices and low availability on Hayward's salt cells, I decided to give the...
  2. I

    My Pool Requires Insane Amounts of Muriatic Acid

    Ever since we purchased our home 3 years ago, I've noticed that my pool requires an insane amount of 31.45% Muriatic Acid to keep the pH in line. I have to add 28oz of acid in my 14K gallon pool every other day to keep pH between 7.4 - 7.6. I know having a salt water generator causes pH to be...