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  1. RookiePick

    Fiberglass Pool Owners - Survey (Results)

    PS - Thanks to the responsible parties for the survey. I am sure it was a big undertaking to execute.
  2. RookiePick

    Fiberglass Pool Owners - Survey (Results)

    Just eyeballing the graphs it was 4/5ths SWG pools 1/5 Chlorine as a ratio of chlorination method, so I don't think there is anything to read into the quote below. The issues are occurring at basically the same rate by my understanding?
  3. RookiePick

    Cheers from down under

    CCL kit is good. The pH test caps out t 7.8 though which is a smidge annoying.
  4. RookiePick

    Trouble balancing pool water

    I think Max meant FC when he was writing CH.
  5. RookiePick

    1yr old fiberglass pool - white staining under waterline with balanced pool. calcium?

    This is a bit frightening as a FG pool owner. But then the forum is also full of people having issues with their plaster or with their liner. Pooling has it's challenges it seems! The positive is it seems like it is a cosmetic issue rather than anything that would cause the pool to be...
  6. RookiePick

    Trouble balancing pool water

    What has your pool installer said in response to the issues that have appeared since the shed went up? They cleaned the solids from the pool but you don't know what might have dissolved in there really. Did they use an external pump to clean the pool or vacuum to waste or into your sand filter...
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  8. RookiePick

    Trouble balancing pool water

    First port of call is to get the equipment manufacturers instructions for all your equipment. Then you gotta read those puppies. Sorry about that :LOL: Is it possible that materials from the construction of the shed ended up in the pool?
  9. RookiePick

    Trouble balancing pool water

    Without trying to sound like a jerk...:oops: Your pool math logs are wild. 10FC to 50 FC in 12 days, Then it falls to 15FC in one day and then back to 30FC in 2 more days. The large additions of baking soda and MA. Salt more than doubling with no salt addition noted. Are you confident in your...
  10. RookiePick

    1000 days of construction

    Good job on ordering a good test kit. It's crucial for the community ( :LOL: ) to give you the correct advice. Please share pics. The build looks really cool from the one pic I can see!
  11. RookiePick

    Can pool robots clean sidewall of pools with safety ridge?

    My pool robot doesn't struggle with the safety ledge. it easily climbs and does the waterline. It seems to suck any sand or detritus off the ledge no problem either but I wouldn't say it gets any brushing action on the ledge. I brush my ledges and steps manually. The robot will have a go at the...
  12. RookiePick

    I don't understand the need to use CyA

    Poor Knetsel. Looks like the nefarious agents of BigPool took him mid-post.
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  14. RookiePick

    Filling New Pool Q's

    Days getting slightly longer. CYA has no doubt dipped, along with my salt and CH with the rainfall and having to pump out a bit of water a few times. Put the SWG up to 30% as there has been a gradual decline in FC over the past couple of weeks. Will grab a few bits and bobs next time I go past...
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  16. RookiePick

    From a Basic Lawn to Private Resort - We Have A Pool! Controlling Pollen...

    Congrats. You must be very pleased. Looks ace!
  17. RookiePick

    pH rise with SWCG?

    You will only lose salt to splash out plus top up and dilution from rain + pumping out water. It is one of the more awkward tests with less friendly reagents so I wouldn't sweat it too much. Once a month should be fine I think unless you have a big water exchange event. Can't hurt though...
  18. RookiePick

    Just saying G'day.

    G'day Dave. Recommend you stump up for the CCL kit. Make life ezepeze.
  19. RookiePick

    pH rise with SWCG?

    Why did you have her checking salt every second day?
  20. RookiePick

    Filling New Pool Q's

    Wow. Went away for a fortnight and was a bit nervous. Had someone check FC for me a couple times and it was rock steady on 7ppm. pH crept up to 7.8+. Cleaned the skimmer basket, dosed a touch of acid, ran Astro and ran around with the pool brush. Eze.
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  23. RookiePick

    What the vacuum pulled up……

    Does it react to vinegar or dilute MA?
  24. RookiePick

    Calcium Hardness Fiberglass Saltwater Pool

    Pushing your pH lower will only make the CSI number head further into the negative. Whether that is relevant to anything to do with your pool surface, equipment or surrounds I'm not sure. Have you spoken to the PB or whoever did the coping?
  25. RookiePick

    I'm baaaaack

    You wanna make sure you have passed all three of the SLAM criteria. Sounds like you have the no traces of algae and the clear water ticked off. Have you conducted the OCLT?
  26. RookiePick

    Calcium Hardness Fiberglass Saltwater Pool

    I can't see any way the water in the pool could have made your concrete coping develop the split you are showing(?) in 2 months due to any corrosive properties. I'm in the same boat with a new FG pool and the CSI number in poolmath is scary to look at.
  27. RookiePick

    I'm baaaaack

    Oh whoops. I missed Missy calling it done. Thought it was just a progress pic.
  28. RookiePick

    I'm baaaaack

    It's great how easy our devices make it to snap some photos and readily see the progress of things. I was thinking the other day that a couple of hard drive failures and we'll have basically no pictures of the kids though. We just don't print anything anymore 😬