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  1. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    Fair enough, guess I walked into that one. 😂 Probably would’ve helped if I better explained I was surprised that tiny remnants of pucks could add a whole 1ppm overnight. :) Here’s a concern I have - just went to hardware store. SMALL bucket of 3” tricolor is ONE HUNDRED AND TEN DOLLARS. 😱...
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  3. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    Pool successfully enjoyed yesterday! 🙌 Vacuumed every last little bit of EVERYTHING while in there. 🙂 Added couple cups of bleach after swimming, FC last night was 13. Was 14 this morning. 🤔 Did a second test after a cup of coffee to wake up and tries a different area of pool - still 14...
  4. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    Ok, more chlorine loss last night. Still enough residue debris I think to cause it. It’s also gonna be very hot today, and I very very much want to use pool. If I left FC drop to swimmable level, and it’s very clear - safe to go in, yes? I can get rest of sticks out of adult if I’m in, and...
  5. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    I’m no pro, but my best advice is brush till your arms fall off. :) What I had to do unfortunately.
  6. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    Appears that I’ll never be done brushing. Ever. 😂 Just a routine brushing this morning kicked up some crud which somehow was still hiding even in a clear pool. It’s found a way to cloak itself now. Likely a good chunk of my FC loss. I like the dustpan idea. Gotta find a 2nd pole. 👍
  7. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    I was wondering same. By boy, waking at 5 on a Saturday to test pool isn’t gonna be fun. :)
  8. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    Didn’t pass OCLT. FC last night = 15, this morning, about two hours after sunrise, FC=12.5. CC was 0 both times. Looking real clear though! I’ll go retrieve that stick once it’s not so darn cold and FC is fit for human immersion. May need to troubleshoot a bit. FC jumps much higher than pool...
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  10. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    👍 agreed. :) CYA at last test was 30, and unlikely to climb much when I top off the pool closer to 8,000gal from the 7,400gal it’s at now. Pool was pretty clear this morning, excited to check when I get home. If any haze left - trust me, I’ll keep nukin it. :) Nothing losses from another...
  11. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    FC last night = 16 FC this morning = 15.5 👍 CC present this time, but 0.5 or less Gonna let the FC burn off today, keep it at 5ppm, see how it looks in morning and retest rest of vitals tomorrow
  12. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    After seeing in the latest stages just how small and lightweight the last remnants of crud were - I think pretty obvious to me now I should’ve invested in a vac sooner. Thought since I was getting such a volume of stuff to surface with brushing and then scooping that that was enough. But clear...
  13. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    I see bottom! Like *all* the bottom! Only tiniest bit of haze remains. (For now) Retrieved the very last scoop of leaves. Couple sticks. Dare I say, almost done. Since it’s so darn cold, I can afford another couple nights of high FC and another OCLT. (Rain and a tight schedule interrupted...
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  18. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    🤔 You might be into something there. Definitely my accidental chlorine overdose seemed to have help. Could be coincidence, but maybe not. Color wise hard to tell since I went through every shade of brown and tan on the road to milky white/teal/blue. It could’ve made a temporary stop at...
  19. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    Good algae killin’ weather though. :)
  20. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    Retook CYA with good daylight today. First I redid test with last week’s solution. It was between 30-40, much closer to 30. Retook with today’s water, it’s definitely 30 now. But pool was so much clearer this morning, I wasn’t going to tempt changing anything and stayed the course with higher...
  21. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    Not sure. Hope not! It’s the one that came with pool. Normally seems to do ok- except during this 100 year SLAM. Been running a paper filter backup from old 18’ Intex in addition to sand filter
  22. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    Been wondering the same a lot lately. It’s hit or miss. I can dump 2oz in and get a really productive dirty backwash once psi climbs to yellow on the gage, and then subsequent additions of DE right after sees same increase in psi for similar time duration, but backwash is clear. Have T solved...
  23. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    9pm last, FC =12.5. Added 4cups to bring it up to SLAM level of 16. Checked it an hour later FC was 19. That was weird. Somewhere last night, can’t remember if before first reading or second, I also replenished about an 1” of water lost from evap and backwashing. But if anything, that...
  24. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    Second day of OCL. Last night, FC=16.5. This morning, was 13.5. Added 3cups of 10%, hour later it’s back up to 16.5. CC still zero. A bit puzzled why OCLT has been failing when it was passing last week. Unless it’s impact of better brushing past couple days - or a couple of windy days...
  25. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    3 more photos. Brushing yields some small dead leave debris still. Last backwash was pretty clean. Bucket shows clarity at dirtiest. Earlier today, yielded about 3 buckets worth that were dirtier, but most look like this last one. Wondering if a 3rd deep clean of sand is worthwhile tomorrow
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  29. S

    3 weeks of SLAM, still cloudy :(

    This tired old little pump rejoined the battle today. Hoping to see bottom in next couple days - but not enough progress yet to bank on that. There’s is still a 5% chance there’s something lurking down there causing havoc. Overnight loss has usually been good - but I’ll take a more careful...