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  1. F

    Replacing Sand in Pentair Tagelus Filter

    That's all I could think of as well, oof this is gonna be a slog
  2. F

    Replacing Sand in Pentair Tagelus Filter

    After getting my pool from black to blue, my sand needs to get replaced, but I have a small hurdle that I'm not sure how to overcome: I'm not sure how to remove the sand. As you can see in the attached pictures, the opening barely had enough space for my garden hose, much less my hand or even...
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    It's Black, Help Me Make It Blue?

    Update, got it clean! Thanks for your help! I'm posting this late, but it took about a month. Interesting details for anyone looking at this thread in the same position: While I was in the process, we went on vacation for 10 days. I didn't have anyone to come keep up the SLAM, so I just left it...
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    It's Black, Help Me Make It Blue?

    Update! Just got the test kit, here's the numbers: FC: 7.0 CC: 4.0 (question on this, the initial test cleared up at 1.0, but as it sat, it would keep turning pink after a couple minutes until I added 8 drops of the stuff, which would mean 4.0 is the actual level?) pH: 7.2 TA: 90 CYA: <20...
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  9. F

    It's Black, Help Me Make It Blue?

    That's great info, thanks for the replies! I'll update when I get the kit!
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    It's Black, Help Me Make It Blue?

    Hello! My winter cover tore, and despite my best efforts, my pool was black as night when I opened it this weekend. I bought this place last year and have been perusing this site since, so I have a basic grasp on the recommendation to SLAM but could use some guidance. My TF-100 kit is on the...
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