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  1. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    I tried to collect some. But as soon as it touches the net it just disintegrates.
  2. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    Fc at 6:40 was 13.5 (I added half a gallon of liquid chlorine. I couldn’t stay and recheck to see but based on pool math that should have gotten me back up to the slam level of 16) Just now at 12 FC 13 CC .5 PH is slightly lighter than the lowest on the tester of 6.8 TA is 70 Ch is 125 Cya is 40
  3. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    It’s so hard to tell because of the clouds, but the white fuzzy chunks go as deep as you can see. And it’s everywhere.
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  8. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    Yes one has an attachment but the others look glued. I will post pics of it and the white stuff when it gets daylight. Thanks
  9. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    As I read more I was thinking the slam level would prevent it from suddenly appearing. I am not sure if it’s wood fluff. I will post pictures in the morning. Our pool is surrounded by a type of tree/shrub. (Pic attached of trees)
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  11. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    So after looking close at the white substance, and reading articles, I believe we have white water mold. 🤦‍♀️ what now
  12. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    Yes that’s what I meant. About every 4 hours the water coming out of the jet is slower. That’s when I backwash. I didn’t know I was supposed to run the rinse cycle after backwash. So I wasn’t doing that at first. The last 2 days I have been and that’s when I started seeing the white cotton...
  13. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    Going to attempt cleaning the sand tomorrow. Our hoses don’t have fittings so looks like I have to cut them off to get it open and then attach them back with fitting valves. Didn’t want to tackle that this evening. 👍
  14. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    This was last week
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  16. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    Here is an update. Last night at 7 FC was 11.5, CC was .5, CYA was 40. I added a gallon of liquid chlorine . At 9:30 pm FC was 19 This morning at 7:30 FC was 15 at 8:40 it is 13.5 The water now has small white fluffy chunks floating under the surface. (Pic attached but not sure if you can...
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  20. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    Cya dropped to 20 , was at 30. I will add more cya to the sock 👍
  21. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    Pool this afternoon
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  23. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    My arms ache today so yes the hate flowed. I hope it’s ok to get in the pool like this. Only way I could get the center. I just brushed the whole thing again today. Still having to add. At 11 it was 8, so I added 1/2 a gallon. Couldn’t check again cause I had to leave right away. It’s 4:00. I...
  24. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    I brushed every single inch today. 👍
  25. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    This morning. I will get a new picture once the sun is shining. I can faintly see the vacuum moving now on the bottom and I couldn’t a few days ago.
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  27. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    I haven’t been keeping it in pool math but keeping a written log. Last night FC was 11 and CC was .5. CYA was 20 now. I haven’t been brushing by hand but using the vaccum all day.
  28. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    Is the oclt the over night test? FC was at 11 at sundown and was at 9.5 this morning. We did have a lot of rain during the night, not sure if that affects it.
  29. stonefamily

    How to get water clear

    I had gotten to the point I was barely having to add any chlorine during the day. Checked every 2 hours and only added every 6 and barely any. It was only dropping from a 12 to 11. Now today every 2 hours it’s down to a 7. What could have changed?