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  1. C

    Celebrate or start pouring...pH readings from different kits

    I have three different test kits that measure pH (among other things) and I get readings that vary from 7.2 up to 8.2 depending on which kit I use. The readings are consistant within a kit, but I don't know if I should start adding HCl :twisted: or celebrate :party: for having prestine pH...
  2. C

    FC and CYA

    Thank you Zea3 and Chem Geek. I'll check out the sites you provided now. This web site is simply AWESOME! I feel like it's almost a "privledge" to get an answer from "Chem Geek" himself...I'm glad you use your powers for good. Although I still on occasion branch out and read what some folks are...
  3. C

    FC and CYA

    And go a day or two without using the spa waiting for it to heat up? Never! :( Actually, we are going on a trip very soon and I plan to replace the water when we get back. My question is more academic. Does CYA buffered FC show up at the same concentrations as non-buffered FC? I thought the...
  4. C

    FC and CYA

    Okay. I put in too much Dichlor over time using the "Vermont/Norhtman" method (as recommended by the person who sold me my spa) and plan to drain my water since my CYA is around 150 ppm. I've learned my lesson. Until I replace my water, however, TFP recommends a level of 11 to 18 ppm FC which is...