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  1. T

    New & Confused

    Thanks John :-D SW sounds better and better, we had our final walk through of the house today, the deck looks like concrete with whatever the standard coating is applied on top or whatever most people have around there pools or at least what I have seen. So all I have to do is decide on a brand...
  2. T

    New & Confused

    O.k. so sounds like salt might not be a bad idea after all ? Guess my only concern is the corrosion of pool surface and deck. If I am paying attention and understand correctly as long as I am anal about testing and making sure everything is balanced correctly than I should not have a problem...
  3. T

    New & Confused

    Would swcg be salt water something, something , lol I'm sorry I really am a pool tard.
  4. T

    New & Confused

    Hi All, Iamb closing on a new pool home Dec.7 never had a pool, know nothing about taking care of a pool so please be kind :wink: and I'm so glad I found you! I was considering converting the pool system to salt as I have always heard about how much healthier and safer and cleaner and bla ,bla...