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  1. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    Thanks! No, my SWG is not working yet; I'll keep the chlorine at 8-10 ppm. It probably won't be for at least a month.; I'm waiting for a large payment to come through to help pay for a new Pentair system.
  2. cjspinelli

    New to TFP, relatively new pool owner

    I got a full TF-100 package to include the speed stir and the whale's tail brush which is a cool invention for the brush and very effective. Just completed my first SLAM and learned a ton about chemicals in the process. Thanks again!
  3. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    Thanks Dave! I felt the same way. I have not added any more LC since last night as I passed all three of the SLAM requirements as of this morning. I did check my chlorine levels at 1100 CT today and they were - FC: 28; CC: 0.5; TC: 28.5. So, the FC is still at the SLAM level even after an...
  4. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    One other question: is it safe to swim in the pool with an FC level of 29-30 ppm? I don't think so but wanted to check. Essentially, once the SLAM is done how long does it take to get back to normal FC levels? We have been very overcast here in TX the past few days, so not much sun.
  5. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    Ok, I'll check the chlorine at 1200 since I'm teleworking today and add LC as needed. It is definitely MUCH better and well on the way to recovery. The TF-100 test kit is really accurate and I counted the individual drops during the test: 60 last night and 58 this morning for the FC. Are you...
  6. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    Ok everyone, I know I've been silent for a couple of days, but it is not because I wasn't busy! Here's where I'm at: 1. The liquid chlorine I bought before was in fact old and had lost significant potency. I never tested it, but after adding 4 gals straight of the old liquid chlorine it only...
  7. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    No, I am currently using the daily test kit to check to see how much of a rise I am getting from the chlorine I'm using. I know it is not precisely accurate, but I don't need to be to see a 0.5 to 1 ppm rise. Once I am sure this chlorine is good, I'll do the OCLT using the proper TF-100 tests.
  8. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    Ok, I'll pour the LC correctly next time. I am using "blue whale shock chlorinator" but I am unable to find the date code with the instructions you offered. There are no numbers that resemble the date code.
  9. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    Ok, here is exactly what I did: At 1713 I tested the FC using my Taylor DPD kit (5 drops of R-0001 and 5 drops of R-0002). The FC chlorine read 0-0.5 ppm. It was fairly clear, so perhaps 0. Then I poured 1 gal of LC (12.5% sodium hypochlorite) directly into my sole skimmer basket. At 1743 I...
  10. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    Copy all. I will test 30 minutes after adding. I am using the pool calculator; the number above came from the calculator based on my TF-100 test results.
  11. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    Copy all, I will trust you guys and SLAM the pool. I'm not sure I have enough LC (5 gal remaining, but I'll see what I can do tonight).
  12. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    I have added 3 gallons of liquid chlorine since Sat, 19 Sep: 1 gal on Sat, 1 gal on Sun and 1 gal on Mon. I did not see any rise in my FC, but I waited and test ~ 14-20 hours after adding. I'll test ~30 minutes this time.
  13. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    Ok, I will need to do a SLAM since I don't even have but 0.5-1 ppm of FC. I am new to adding chlorine as my SWG was doing it before, so I don't really know how much it was adding each day. Perhaps it was more than I thought. Just to be clear, you do not find it odd that I added 2 gallons of...
  14. cjspinelli

    Newbie requesting some testing and chemical assitance

    Hello, this is my second post (frist was my initial joining message). I received my TF-100 kit and I have used it twice. In general, I understand all of the tests and can perform them. The one that is causing me issues is the chlorine test(s). Before I get going too far, I should state that...
  15. cjspinelli

    New to TFP, relatively new pool owner

    I recently moved back to TX (DFW area) after being away for 30ish years. I bought a house with an in-ground pool (SWG) included, but never had one before now (except growing up, but my Dad did all the maintenance). The pool was in decent shape before I took ownership and aside from one...