Search results

  1. J

    Need help with in-progress ascorbic acid treatment

    Our ~15,000gal plaster pool has mild but very noticeable staining across much of the surface, and some recent testing with vitamin C tablets indicated that this was metal staining. The tablets cleared it right up in an area about 6" around the tablet. So I bought a bunch of supplies and was...
  2. J

    IntelliFlo Wiring on EasyTouch Panel

    The house we moved into about six months ago has an EasyTouch panel, with an IntelliFlo, IntelliChlor, BoostRite, and 120V IntelliBrite lights managed by it. There have been a couple of times where the 20A GFCI breaker will trip, causing the pump to shut down. So far I've always been home to...
  3. J

    New Pool Owner - First Full Test Results

    I've been lurking on the board for about six months now, ever since we bought this house that came along with the pool described in my signature. Really appreciate the wealth of information! So far I've been using a pool guy to maintain the pool chemicals, and I've been trying to learn as much...
  4. J

    Bromine Levels with Ozonator

    I recently purchased a house that came along with an above ground spa, which includes an ozonator. I've never owned a spa before, so I did a bunch of research on TFP, did a thorough decon with ahh-some, balanced the water according to the forum stickies that are always referenced, and then...
  5. J

    DIY EasyTouch to Intellicenter Upgrade?

    I'm new to the forum since I recently purchased my first pool along with a house we just moved into - extremely thankful for all the knowledge I've absorbed so far. Currently the pool has what I believe is an EasyTouch 8 automation system, with an IntelliFlow pump, Boost-Right pump for pool...