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  1. L

    Returning Sediment on Liner

    Water does react to the CYA test, it just does not get cloudy enough to block the dot at the bottom of the TF test kit. It is less than 30, just don't know how much less. I raised my FC to mustard algae shock level wondering the same thing this morning. Whatever I have, starts on the liner, not...
  2. L

    Returning Sediment on Liner

    At 2 o'clock yesterday, my FC was 6.5. I added 1 of the 1.42 gallon 6% jugs of bleach at 4 o'clock yesterday which should have raised my FC by 2.5-2.9 per pool calculator and experience. I brushed the pool at 9 last night, but only have indirect lighting from a flood light so I couldn't be sure...
  3. L

    Returning Sediment on Liner

    My swimmer load is very low to non-existent which helps the chlorine hang around longer. Last year I had very little FC loss also and had very little CYA which allowed me to run a lower daily FC level (say 3- 4ppm), but it was explained to me that having the CYA up a bit and subsequently raising...
  4. L

    Returning Sediment on Liner

    1. How low do you let your FC get before you replenish it? Lowest has been 5 with CYA of 30 or less 2. How much do you add when you replenish it? When I am in maintenance mode, I try not to let it get down to the lowest suggested by Pool Calc, maybe 3ppm bump at a time? When I am shocking I add...
  5. L

    Returning Sediment on Liner

    If I brush my liner everyday, I get light clouds and the water gets a touch less crystal clear, but returns to normal within the day. The longer I wait the more you can see stuff on the bottom and the more dark mustard yellow the clouds are and the longer it takes to get clear. My CYA doesn't...
  6. L

    Pool/spa cleaning equip recommendations - brush/vacuum/hoses

    Re: Pool/spa cleaning equip recommendations - brush/vacuum/h As far as the hose goes (it's rhyme time), you can use a piece of rope or string tied to the lid of your skimmer and walk around the pool to find the longest distance and measure the string. Round up one size to make sure that you...
  7. L

    Minimum Recommended CYA Level Question

    Pool Calc recommends 2-6 as a target FC. I shoot for an FC of 6-8 to account for any daytime loss and I would love to see some stains continue to fade. I do plan on adding CYA at my next fill up, I just don't have any in stock. Didn't know if there were problems similar to low pH or low FC. I...
  8. L

    Minimum Recommended CYA Level Question

    Quick CYA level question. Is the 30-50 for a BBB pool just to help preserve the FC during the day or does it serve another purpose. I am currently at 25 and will add more when I have to next top off the pool so that it doesn't go too low, but I like the lower FC and shock levels (should I have...
  9. L

    Algae returning on liner

    So, we swam in it with no apparent ill effects. Checked my FC last night and I was at 9.5 and this morning 8.5. I understand the basic principals of TroubleFreePool and BBB, but would like to learn the details. Does my FC loss mean shock the pool or there were alot of people in it all day...
  10. L

    Algae returning on liner

    I would swim in it too. I am more concerned about the guests. Do you have experience with younger children in the water? I don't want to give anyone any type of skin irritation that causes them not to trust me or my pool.
  11. L


    I think I am adding and not hijacking ... I thought the easiest way to explain is with a back story. Hopefully this helps someone else? Checking the math... Pool Calculator says I would need 4 gallons 1 quart 6% bleach to go from the high side of my target FC (8ppm with 45 CYA) to shock level...
  12. L

    Algae returning on liner

    So... Water has been crystal clear since Thursday night, but I kept the FC high for another night because I didn't get a chance to OCLT. questions: 1) CYA is 45 and FC is 16 and doesn't come down quickly during the daytime. I am planning a bbq tomorrow with 20 or so swimmers from 2-70. 2)...
  13. L

    Algae returning on liner

    Spending money was in reference to buying chlorine neutralizer to counter the chlorine that I just bought. Just thinking out loud. Didn't OCLT last night, but keeping FC high to test tonight. Once my Cl comes back down to around eight which is the high side of my recommendation, will I be...
  14. L

    Algae returning on liner

    7/5 5:00pm FC - 29 and I added 256oz of 6% to keep it above the recommended 29ppm recommended by poolcalc for the rest of the evening and hopefully the night 6:40pm FC - 34 pretty spot on increase according to poolcalculator 9:40pm FC went up to 36-37 CC - 0.5 or less (turns just the lightest...
  15. L

    Algae returning on liner

    More follow up... 7/4 early afternoon FC was 17 7/5 morning FC was 15 and CC was less than 0.5 I used pool calc to bring my FC up to 29 as recommended by poolcalc with 50 CYA for treating mustard algae since I think that was one of my problems. After brushing and letting it sit for a day...
  16. L

    Algae returning on liner

    Shocked last night and was at 20.5 FC and less than 0.5 CC this morning. Like I said, recommended 26ppm of Cl, so I added a bit more this morning to get up pretty high. Very cloudy blue, but definately looks "cleaner". I left the solar cover off and will do so all week to...
  17. L

    Algae returning on liner

    Thanks for the reply... I love the DE in the filter, helps with clearing up the blue cloud from the first shock of the season much faster. I am also trying about 1/2 cup in the filter all the time and seeing how quickly that clogs things up. The algae is in the corners mostly (from vertical...
  18. L

    Need help quick

    Vacuuming is using a hose connected into the hole at the bottom of the skimmer where the basket is. This hose connects to a vacuum head and manuevered around the bottom of the pool to remove the contaminents that rest at the bottom of the pool. I don't know if ALL pools skimmers and vacs are...
  19. L

    Algae returning on liner

    Hi everyone, I really appreciate the respect that the experienced members show the new guys. Here we go... My CC has been zero for a couple weeks, but I don't understand why I keep getting what I think is algae regrowing on my liner. A quick description of what I think is the algae: you can...