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  1. T Spa Cover

    I'm also in the market for a new cover but haven't found any good reviews or recommendations
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    Clorox Splash-Less

    Note that most "regular Clorox" these days also has additives (Chloromax). It's best not to use Clorox brand bleach any more.
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    Salt water chlorine generator for spas? Experiences?

    Big fan of the SmarterSpa as well. Set it and forget it.
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    YIKES - green tub.

    I see. I assume then your Spa is not covered?
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    YIKES - green tub.

    I'm confused why low CYA affects your SWG performance?
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    New Hot Tub Few Questions

    Of the hang-over type SWGs, yes. But your local pool store will happily sell you a Spa SWG that's twice as expensive and requires a $200 replacement cartridge every three months. Mine certainly tried.
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    New Hot Tub Few Questions

    I love mine. Have not had to touch a thing since I set it up. Whenever we go to use the spa it's at the perfect FC. I imagine the ChlorMaker would work just as well, but you would have to do some tuning to set the schedule correctly.
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    Vacation/Leaving hot tub

    A hang-over SWG like the Saltron Mini or ChlorMaker is also a great solution. I got one for my last vacation and haven't had to worry about chlorine even after coming back home.
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    Spa Cover Recommendations

    Bump. Originally posted this elsewhere but I asked for it to be moved into the Spa forum.
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    Spa Cover Recommendations

    Long story short, I'm in the market for a new spa cover. Can anyone recommend good brands? I'm hesitant to get another one from the spa store since the first cover didn't last. TheCoverGuy is one that seems to be all over Amazon with good reviews. Anyone tried a cover from them? Other vendors...
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    First TF100 Tests

    Cool! I guessed the salt was low but it's nice to hear my hunch was correct. Which salinity meter did you end up getting?
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    I’m back in the water business with a new hot tub!

    I bought the SWG on Amazon for under $400. It arrived quickly and I installed it just before we left town for a week. Came back to 4ppm FC and haven't had to mess with chlorine since. The SWG unit itself recommends a CH of 200-400ppm, and there is a similar guide line in my spa manual. Many of...
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    I’m back in the water business with a new hot tub!

    Welcome back! My spa manual also said not to use softened water. I think perhaps because it would be too soft and the water would try to pull minerals from the spa materials? Since your water is so hard it probably makes sense to do half hard and half softened so you end up in the middle. I...
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    Chlorine Automation

    Very cool! I recently converted my spa to salt-water and am using the SmarterSpa system which has a chlorine monitor and kicks off the SWG when the chlorine levels fall below 1ppm. It works quite well, but I wish it was WiFi connected so I could record stats on how often it was running and...
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    New Hot Tub Few Questions

    I was considering the Saltron Mini, but went with the ControlOMatic SmarterSpa a few weeks ago and have been very happy with it. Agree with all the advice above. Get a reliable testing kit, do a cleaning or two with ahhsome, then fill and balance using the guides on this site. Once you get...
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    Setting up a used hot tub

    Came back after a week to an FC of 3ppm. Looks like the SmarterSpa SWG was a success! Unfortunately the spa also lost 1/4 of its water so I guess I'll be spending the week looking for the leak...
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    CYA measurements under 30ppm

    Thanks. I've been getting a lot of conflicting information about appropriate CYA levels. Since my spa is covered during the day, I don't think it's getting much UV so my understanding is that I don't really need any stabilizer. The manufacturer of my SWG also recommended no stabilizer. I...
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    First TF100 Tests

    Perhaps you don't have enough salt and that's limiting the amount of chlorine that can be produced?
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    CYA measurements under 30ppm

    I have the Taylor K-2006 which can measure CYA levels of 30ppm upwards. Is there any way to accurately measure lower values? I think my covered spa is currently around 15ppm but I want to make sure.
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    New large spa owner making no progress in balancing it. Please help!

    What if you had an indoor covered spa with CC?
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    Setting up a used hot tub

    Got my SmarterSpa today and plopped it in the hot tub with some salt. Seems easy enough and it is happily generating chlorine already. Going to run some tests today to set the power level timer correctly and then hopefully it will be on auto-pilot while I'm on vacation next week.
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    Retrofitting Hot Tub with SWCG. Worth it?

    Thanks! Is there a link where I can find that CYA/FC chart you screenshotted above?
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    Retrofitting Hot Tub with SWCG. Worth it?

    The reason I ask is because recommends a CYA of 80ppm with SWGs but that seems quite high and it's unclear to me if that advice also applies to a small covered spa.
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    Retrofitting Hot Tub with SWCG. Worth it?

    What are you folks keeping the CYA levels at in your SWG Spas?
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    Setting up a used hot tub

    New spa owner here too. Not sure about those chemicals. Who knows how old they are, might even be expired? I just did an aah-some purge and fresh fill on my used tub. Going with the simple dichor/bleach method for now. I've been having a hard time finding bleach though (everyone sells Clorox...
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    Spa Newbie: Chlorine Demand

    Ahhsome today went well. Some yellowish sticky grime but not very much. Drained and refilled afterwards, and easily got the TA down from 160 to 80 with dry acid. pH after aeration was 7.8, and then I shocked to 10ppm FC with dichlor. Three hours later the FC is still reading 10ppm, so it's...