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  1. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Hi there! I'm back! Thought I'd report after a few months. If you recall, my original problem was my pool's acid appetite to get pH down. What appears to have worked is to get my TA down to 70 and have not used acid since then as my pH stayed at 7.8 or below. I've used liquid chlorine...
  2. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Yes, I should get one. Per poolmath, CSI sensitivity to salt is nothing compared to pH, though. I also can’t taste any salt. If I remember correctly, salt starts to taste at 3000 ppm.
  3. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    CSI is .14 per poolmath. Don’t have a salt tester, though, so I assume 1000. I don’t have SWG and I don’t use borates.
  4. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Guys, I think we got this. Compare to my last post on 9/12 above. I have not added MA since 9/8. All I have been doing was bleach. PH never got above 7.8. TA has climbed a bit since 9/8, but I think the key was getting it down to 60 in the first place. It appears MA dosing will be now be...
  5. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Could this be?! Last time I reported data was on 9/8, when my pH was 7.6. Below are my test results 4 days later and my pH is still 7.6. Maybe the TA of 60 did the trick. I did not dose any MA during this period. We need to note it has been raining, the sun hardly appeared, and temps have...
  6. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    I think I’ll eventually get TA lower than 60. When My pH goes up I have not noticed as rapid a rise in TA, if any, so far. So, repeated doses of MA bring both my pH and TA down, but TA appears not to go up when pH goes up. Then I have to do MA again. I’ll let TA get to 50 and if it still does...
  7. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Seems like the only effective way to keep pH down is to use pucks, at least for me. However, keeping pH down with MA is easier than fighting CYA.
  8. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    I did. Thanks.
  9. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Makes sense. Thanks. I thought x ppm TA will be lowered by x amount of MA regardless of pH level.
  10. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    OK, thanks. But why from 8 to 7.6 instead of from 7.8 to 7.4? To allow for the effects of rain to dissipate?
  11. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    I give up. Despite TA being lowered to 60, pH rose from 7.2 to 7.6 in 3 days. TA has remained at 60 for the same period. Now we need to note that the pool has filled to the brim with rainwater the past 2 days. I think rainwater is usually acidic but pH still rose despite that. Because of...
  12. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    I adjust the FC for that. I try to keep at around 7-10 with bleach, never lower than 5. I had not needed to shock with this. No algae. It used to be about 100 early this year.
  13. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    CSI is -.5, according to poolmath. Should improve as pH goes up, which I think it will. Of the recommended levels, TA at 60 and CYA at 60 are out of range.
  14. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Ok. I’m back to bleach. Waited for pH to reach 7.8 and got pH an TA as low as I dared. New starting point is as follows. My objective is to find a low-maintenance sweet spot where I do the least dosing of MA. If this fails I will wait for pH to get to 7.8, get it back down to 7.2 with MA...
  15. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    I forgot about aeration increasing pH. I pointed the jets down. Was not an issue with acidic pucks, but could very well be with bleach.
  16. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    I have some jets aimed to just break the surface. The others are point out or slightly down. I figure this helps mix the water more evenly faster when I add chemicals.
  17. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Dirk, my CYA test's main purpose is to help determine a good FC level. So long as I keep between 7-10, no algae.
  18. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Yes, the CH moves between 350 and 375 depending on the mood of Freckles, my basset hound. Hardly ever higher or lower. But testing CH is a breeze compared to testing CYA with that ridiculous disappearing black dot which depends so much on lighting and has an irritating reflection on the...
  19. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    I'm back and I have some numbers to report. I have essentially used pucks for 1 month so I could measure their impact over a period of time and to make it easier on my cranky old housesitter to hopefully maintain the pool's balance while I was out. I knew the pucks would impact TA and pH so I...
  20. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Dodger, you are absolutely right. Just want to share with you my situation. Now, she'll put up a pout if a neighbor comes in for the pool. She will say I do not trust her, and it'll take her months to get over it. Anyway, they all have pool men doing maintenance (With pucks! The pool men I...
  21. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Re: PS Rises 0.1 Every Day Dodger, thank you for the great suggestion. However, as an FYI, my house sitter was my nanny when I was a child. Totally trustworthy, she does great at keeping my house clean, turning the lights off and taking care of the dog. I don't want to confuse the old gal...
  22. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Re: PS Rises 0.1 Every Day Dirk, see attached. The pump is a Pentair CH11N12A, 2HP, assumed single-speed. For lights I have 2 LED fixtures, one on either end, but don't know the brand. I don't know enough to answer your automation questions - I don't even know what is out there. When I am...
  23. Photo Jul 25, 12 36 43 PM.jpg

    Photo Jul 25, 12 36 43 PM.jpg

  24. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Re: PS Rises 0.1 Every Day Ha! I thought I did, but it rejected when I tried to save it due to "BB Font", whatever that is. Anyway, I copied from autosave restore and did a paste as plain text. Here it is just in case it still does not show. Just a builder's pool which came with the house...
  25. Photo Jul 11, 4 03 29 PM.jpg

    Photo Jul 11, 4 03 29 PM.jpg

  26. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Re: PS Rises 0.1 Every Day Thank you, Dirk. You have given me 3 options: 1) Automation. Am leaning strongly toward this. Would you recommend an automatic chlorinator and MA feeder / pH adjuster? 2) The Sharpie Method. You may have something here. I use 96 oz of 10% chlorine per day - 1/2...
  27. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Re: PS Rises 0.1 Every Day Thank you, Dirk. I love this site. I had been using chlorine pucks. I think it helped control my pH but stopped it to get my CYA down. How it got down from 100 to 50 in a couple of months of using bleach and not draining the pool is a mystery to me. Anyway, I...
  28. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Re: PS Rises 0.1 Every Day I forgot to respond to your comment about fill water. Yes, I suspected that as well. I lose 1/4 to 1/2" of water a day to evaporation in the summer. From the latest (2017) Fort Worth Drinking Water report: pH units 7.8 to 8.6 Total Alkalinity as CaCo3 ppm 108 to...
  29. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Re: PS Rises 0.1 Every Day Thank you for the quick response. pH 7.2 it shall be. Right now I will pour my remaining 1/2 gallon of 15.7% MA. Should get it down to 7.3 or 7.2. I will test for pH tonight and TA tomorrow. I'll see where it goes from there. More MA should eventually bring down...
  30. D

    pH Rises 0.1 Every Day

    Hello, I am new to this Forum. Let me first say many, many thanks for all that you do. This is a wonderful resource which I have used a lot. I have an issue with continuously rising PH - it rises a little more than 0.1 per day, and I have put in 2 lbs of dry acid or 32 oz of 15.7% MA every...