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  1. scartypool

    Looking to replace above ground pool next year

    Thank you all for your inputs, sorry for the late response, been dealing with some issues. God bless.
  2. scartypool

    Looking to replace above ground pool next year

    Hi all, it’s time to replace the current above ground pool. its had a good 20 year run, we are second owners. I am looking at Inyo pools, when they become available again! Curious on a few points. - tear down and recycling the current pool. Any advice? - Do we wait until just before new...
  3. scartypool

    Getting there, daily add of chlorine

    Thank you for the replies this is very helpful for me.
  4. scartypool

    Getting there, daily add of chlorine

    Perfect thank you! Extremely helpful.
  5. scartypool

    Getting there, daily add of chlorine

    MKnauss, I have read those, I should amplify...curious what others do for a schedule. do they adjust before heavy bather load? Go to the high end? Do they wait until after? TIA
  6. scartypool

    Getting there, daily add of chlorine

    So this has been an interesting few days, I have learned a ton from this site. I have gotten my levels to a good place, had to swap out 40% of water due to high CYA, not fun but got it done. FC 8.0 PH 7.5 TA 75 CH 150 CYA 50 - 60 test is still hard to read, wife and I saw different things...
  7. scartypool

    AGP Stenner Pump

    I am looking at doing this set up. How did you plumb it in? Any pictures would be great. TIA
  8. scartypool

    High CYA impacts

    Calculated 100, with it showing 50CYA diluted.
  9. scartypool

    High CYA impacts

    Okay, I see in the link provided there is an additional step that is not mentioned on the TF-100 kit instructions. I will do that and see what I get, I assume this is what is called the dilute test.
  10. scartypool

    High CYA impacts

    I used the procedure that came with the kit, so not sure exactly what you mean by dilute test?
  11. scartypool

    High CYA impacts

    I have TF-100 Kit, PH is a 7.4, tested before adding liquid Chlorine once I had a good CYA number.
  12. scartypool

    High CYA impacts

    Hi am curios what the overall impact of having a high CYA is? Currently sitting at CYA of 100 and my FC is 12. To drop into the TFP range I need swap out about 4000 gallons and not sure if I need to do that now. Right now I am easily maintaining FC within levels. My plan is to do the water...
  13. scartypool

    Chlorine reads zero after over night

    Thanks Richard and Frustratedpoolmom, I will get the right test kit, so I can get the right readings. I will look for guidance on the liquid chlorine, as I have never used that before.
  14. scartypool

    Chlorine reads zero after over night

    The Leslies powder plus is Calcium Hypochlorite, I also use a floater with tabs 3" made with Tri-Chlor. Where do I find the CYA/Chlorine chart? Also if I cannot read the chlorine level using my test kit or strips, how do I know I have the proper level? Looking for guidance on best test kit, I...
  15. scartypool

    Chlorine reads zero after over night

    First off, thanks in advance to the advice I have already read and the free pool school book. I have started noticing after I shock that my FC within hours no longer registers on my test strips or with the regent kit (Not the TF-100 you all mention). My other levels read fine. So I was...
  16. scartypool

    Getting started on the right way to maintain my pool

    All good afternoon, I found your forum after a perplexing problem suddenly appeared this season and I dove into research and this forum has so much info. I own an above ground pool 30x15x4 and have had it for 10 plus years. Never ever had a water issue. This past winter our cover got shredded...