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    DE filter cleaning when opening pool

    Thank you Jason, I will try a skimmer sock to pick up most of the dirt, then just backwash and recharge. Wish me luck!
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    DE filter cleaning when opening pool

    I don't have a suction side cleaner or a robot, but I will try a skimmer sock - seems simple. Thank you for your help!
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    DE filter cleaning when opening pool

    Would appreciate your reply
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    DE filter cleaning when opening pool

    Hi! After a winter with mesh cover, my pool water will be very dirty when I open the pool. I disassembled my Hayward DE4820 filter last autumn and washed all elements completely. If I add DE first, I'll have filter clogged in no time. Last year I had to clean or backwash the filter and then add...
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    Adding light to vinyl pool

    Breaking concrete while replacing pool lines seems like a better time to add light than while replacing a liner.
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    What is this thing?

    After research found that it is called Return Inlet Fitting. The one with screw is used for liner. Apparently there are no 2" models, but only 1-1/2".
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    What is this thing?

    I am changing my pool plumbing. I need this part for 2" pipe for return jet (this one is on the stairs) And this part for 2" pipe for suction What is it called and where to find it online?
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    2" with sweep elbow or 2-1/2" with 90 degree elbow

    I wander why not everyone does 2-1/2" above ground
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    Adding light to vinyl pool

    I am changing all pool plumbing myself. Would it be a good idea (since the concrete is already broken) to add light? How difficult is it and what specific light to buy?
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    2" with sweep elbow or 2-1/2" with 90 degree elbow

    At the end of the day I gave up trying to calculate the difference. After comparing pipes and fittings at a store - it was apparent that 2-1/2" feels so much bigger than 2". So I thought that Matt is right, the diameter just have to make a lot of difference. So all above ground equipment will be...
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    Skimmer replacement

    Mine is in-ground, so that skimmer won't fit for me. - - - Updated - - - Thank you for the help anyway!
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    2" with sweep elbow or 2-1/2" with 90 degree elbow

    Mark, using DWV in the pool would be an obvious mistake. They have Sched 40 sweeps like here
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    2" with sweep elbow or 2-1/2" with 90 degree elbow

    Very interesting table. Based on it, 2" sweep is loosing the equivalent of 5.7 ft and 2-1/2" elbow - around 10 ft (yes, they make them). Still, my knowledge is not enough to understand what is more efficient for a relatively straightforward above ground equipment plumbing.
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    Skimmer replacement

    Thank you cowboycasey - let me know! I've just bought the skimmer.
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    2" with sweep elbow or 2-1/2" with 90 degree elbow

    Thank you Catanzaro! I agree that 2" with sweep elbow is low resistance. But how do you know that it is less resistance than 2-1/2 with 90 degree? Maybe because of a much greater 2-1/2 size the flow would be better even with 90 degree?
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    2" with sweep elbow or 2-1/2" with 90 degree elbow

    I am changing all the plumbing in my pool. The equipment details are below, but basically all accept either 2" or 2-1/2" size pipes. The underground line runs will be 2". My question is - for above ground plumbing, should I use 2" with sweep elbows or 2-1/2" with 90 degree elbows? (I do not...
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    Skimmer replacement

    Thank you Kim! The largest I have found is Hayward SP10852OM. It seems the opening is correct:15 1/2" x 5-11/16", but it is 1-1/2" pipe and I need 2". Since I don't see other options I guess that's the one I'll have to go for. BTW, I have found this useful Hayward Skimmers pdf
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  23. W

    Skimmer replacement

    I am replacing all pool lines myself in my vinyl pool. Converting from 1.5" to 2" as well in the process. Seems like the right time to replace the skimmer, but I have trouble finding one with the huge opening like mine. It is currently about 15"x6" inside and 18"x9" on outside of the frame. I...