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  1. S

    Normal PH High Alkalinity

    My CYA is 30. I use a Taylor K-2006 testing kit. I have a Pentair sand filter.
  2. S

    Normal PH High Alkalinity

    I am not really worried about my PH rising. It started at 7.6 and went to 7.4 within 2 weeks without any PH down. TA stayed the same - 180. And at 160 isn't my calcium hardness a little low?
  3. S

    Normal PH High Alkalinity

    Hello from Michigan. I filled my 25,000 to 30,000 gallon pool a couple of weeks ago. I painted my pool in May. My current numbers: FC 3 PH 7.4 TA 180 TH 160 Should I try lower my PH to get my alkalinity in line or should I leave it alone?
  4. S

    Pool Paint

    My pool is getting a tile job done in a couple of weeks. Afterwards we are going to paint the pool ourselves. When we drained the pool to prep for the tile job we noticed there were multiple paint jobs done on the pool (we have owned this house for about two years and this is the first time we...
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  6. S

    Missing tiles

    I have lost a fairly large section of tiles around my pool this winter, about 30 6x6 tiles. I had a tiles person look at it (he does not specialize in pools). He said he would recommend having a pool contractor pop all of the tiles and plaster the area to coping. I have never heard of this...
  7. S

    Solar Cover Kidney Shaped Pool

    I have 25,000 gallon kidney shaped pool approximately 20X40. This will be my second summer with this pool and I am thinking about purchasing a solar cover for the pool. Has any one used 2 round covers for their kidney shaped pool? My husband is worried that that they will bunch together. I...