Search results

  1. keetman

    Sand Filter Leaking... repair? replace? How do I keep it from happening (2nd time...)

    I have a Pentair Sand Dollar (SD80) sand filter. It is approximately 6 years old. I noticed in the spring that it was leaking around the top where the valve is clamped on. I was able to tighten up the clamp and stop the leak. A few weeks ago I notice a pin hole leak in the seam where the...
  2. keetman

    Looking for a trashed Pentair Globrite Light body

    Hello. I need some help from the community here if possible. I need to get a Pentair Globrite Light Body sent to me. It does not need to be functioning. In fact, I'm not sure why anyone would want to send me a functioning Globrite, because they're expensive. (They also aren't likely to be...
  3. keetman

    Aquabot x4??? Machine of mystery...

    I'm looking for a new cleaner (posted another thread the other day). First of all.... I've continued to research since I made my other thread and I see how many of these "Which cleaner for me?" threads come up. Sorry... I'm a member on another forum for another hobby and I definitely realize...
  4. keetman

    Robot Cleaner Decision

    I'm trying to narrow down my choice, but it's really difficult. I've never had one of these in the five years I've had a pool, but I think it's time. I'm leaning toward a Dolphin Z5 at this time, but I have some questions. I can get the z5 right now for $1124.99 including shipping from epic...
  5. keetman

    Keetman's In-Ground Pool

    Hello! Here is a picture of our pool. This is actually our second pool. We had a new in-ground pool built in 2010, but we sold the house (not unexpectedly, but we certainly weren't planning on moving when we built the pool!). This pool was finished in July of 2014, but I wanted to wait until...
  6. keetman

    Is this some sort of algae and should I be concerned?

    Hi and thanks to all the good people here. I don't post much, but I somehow found this site 2 years ago as we were having our inground built. I have had great success with the methods taught here and because of this forum, when people ask me if having a pool is a lot of work...I can honestly...
  7. keetman

    Odd situation- new pool and need to "cap" off a large hole.

    Hi. I'm glad I found this place, but I wish I'd found it about 7 months ago. I'm in the process of building a new pool and its beginning to be an adventure. I don't have all the particulars right now, but I can add them tomorrow if anybody needs them and I'll add pics too as that may help...