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  1. A

    Advice re. high TDS and CH

    Thank you for the response, Dave! The water looks crystal clear, virtually no turbidity at all (I can barely see a few particles even at night when the lights are on ... Or point a laser light into the water at night. Anything insoluble really lights up). There is pretty much no (visible)...
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    Advice re. high TDS and CH

    Thank you for responding! Wow, you are staying in the really negative CSI range, I did not go that low (yet). The TA is manageable, plus I am topping off with softened water now, which is not to say that an automatic acid dosing pump would not be a good thing to have! Thanks again.
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    Advice re. high TDS and CH

    Hello, everyone! First and foremost, this is a spectacularly educational site! I have learned so much from all the posts. Thank you everyone for generously sharing your time and knowledge. I need your opinion and advice about a possible RO treatment of the pool (or leaving things as is for the...