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  1. M

    Running the pump

    Thanks for the response! Have the returns pointed up since last year. Manually vacuuming is tedious work, very slow. Just checked the shock level and will again before sunrise. Really appreciate all the knowledge and resources on this site!
  2. M

    Running the pump

    We opened the pool a few days ago, things were going well. All numbers are on track as we slam. Starting out was green, went through the step-by-step process. Day 4 we deep cleaned the sand filter because we could see "yuck" returning to the pool through the return when vacuuming and lost...
  3. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    One day to official end of SLAM! While the water is amazingly clear, I can now see every imperfection in my liner install from 40 ft away. I suppose I'll have to accept that. The site won't let me upload another picture, sorry! Hit my limit of space?
  4. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    Had to work late this evening. For newbies or never SLAMed before, with a little patience it definitely works. Got home, absolutely no residual on the bottom today and is even clearer than this AM. In two days went for 12 jugs of Chlorine to 1.5 today and I think I'm height on my CYA. Had 2" of...
  5. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    You are correct, it's gotten clearer. Still losing 3 PPM overnight. Today was the first day to come home for lunch and there was NO dead stuff on the bottom. Removed about 10 little unauthorized swimmers (boatmen?) this morning. Using less and less chlorine. Hopefully tonight's test will be better.
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  7. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    Even more progress on Monday afternoon. Very windy though could see clearly to the bottom. By 8:30 it was crystal clear though I still vacuumed a few spots of left over algae on the bottom. I could see the vacuum clearly over half way across the pool. Used only 5.5 jugs of chlorine today...
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  9. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    I'm becoming a huge believer in the methods. I know everyone likes photos so here are mine. Thursday, GREEN! Saturday, Aqua? Monday AM, Can see the bottom again and just needs to clear up then do the overnight tests.
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  13. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    Just read the TA portion in Pool School, was relieved to see yellow is acceptable. Thanks for your response as well! Up to today my CYA was 80 so I've been targeting 31. During the evenings I've been losing 2.5 ppm each hour. About 30 min after adding enough 10% chlorine to last the night I...
  14. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    Water has turned from bright green to very nice blue this evening. Can even see the bottom when I vacuumed this evening. Thanks for all the assistance! I think the peeps at Walmart thought I was crazy, bought 50 jugs of chlorine in the last five days. I have two questions if you don't mind...
  15. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    Pressure was normal at 12 lbs. Was there just too much going into the filter or is there something with the sand in the filter? We completely flushed the sand this spring before opening and have been backwashing and rinsing almost daily.
  16. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    Drained 30% of the pool last evening shooting for 70-80 CYA, chance of storms so I didn't want to go lower than that with the water. Filled today, just got results. CYA 80 FC 4.5 CC .5 PH 7.6 TA 110 Lots of "stuff" on the bottom so I thought after adding chlorine to get 31 shock target I'd...
  17. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    HA! Didn't even see it and I've been studying it for a few days. Have it draining now. Thanks for all the assistance. - - - Updated - - - Good reminder. I think I've read the ABCs every night until I fall asleep. I'm in the process of building the deck, run my own business and now dealing with...
  18. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    Is there a calculation on how much to drain to get it down to a reasonable level?
  19. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    Good reminder, there's actually a floating tablet chlorinator. I need to remove that! Coud that have raised it that much in that much water?
  20. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    This is why I wanted to check with you guys before doing more. The only difference between the tests, both done the same way you described but one was when it was sunny and about 90 degrees, the second was cloudy and temp dropped about 10 degrees after just raining a little.
  21. M

    New Kit, Green Pool

    I posted a few days ago RE a cloudy pool. K-2006 kit arrived today though the cloudy pool turned green over the holiday weekend, have been adding 1 gal 10% bleach each day. Took the following readings at 4:00 PM Central (Omaha): FC 6.5 CC .8 CYA 85 PH 8 TA 130 Thought the CYA was rather high...
  22. M

    cloudy water help

    Thanks for the assistance! I'll get some liquid tomorrow. That overnight test makes so much sense, can't wait to get an accurate testing kit. This site is addictive.
  23. M

    cloudy water help

    Thanks! This site is very helpful. Wondering how may days I can spend reading and learning... Lol
  24. M

    cloudy water help

    Just joined TFP and have learned a lot just reading posts. We're new to owning our pool, installed last fall just in time to winterize and open this spring. Opening was an eye opener in the amount of "stuff" needed to be remove. Since opening we've been able to get the water to look pretty good...