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  1. M

    Another year another green pool

    Guess I'm not doing the closing and opening this thing right because for the last two years I have opened the pool to only find a green monster. Opened Friday and the water temp was 68 FC 0 CC 0 PH 7.0 TA 70 CH 190 CYA somewhere between 0-29
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    Vinyl vs Gunite Pool Construction in the South

    Can someone educate me on why there are no Gunite pools in the south. I live in Alabama and everything here is Vinyl, why is that??? I lived in JAX FL and had Gunite.
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    Pool Open and another SLAM event

    Open the pool today and yep another year of green. Time to SLAM. This is getting old.
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    Sig test

  5. M

    Fighting a Cloudy Pool

    Started out this season with a green pool and got that squared away thanks to this website. Fast forward a couple months and I let the pool get away from me and it started to get cloudy with a hint of green so I SLAM'ed it again. Been working this for a week now and have dumped in about 10 Gal...
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    New Member with the Algae Blues

    Hi everyone Great forum you have going here. Long time pool owner in Florida and now Alabama. I uncovered this year and was presented a mess of a pool, worst I can recall ever having to deal with. Started out a week ago by throwing in some snake oil from Walmart and a couple bags of shock...