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  1. TXgirl31

    Add Spa with Pool Renovation?? Estimates?? Houston Tx Recommendations?

    Your pool remodel turned out beautiful!!! Congratulations!! Happy swimming!! :)
  2. TXgirl31

    Pool Build - Round Rock, TX - February 2016

    Very nice!! Congratulations on your beatiful new pool!! Hopefully warm enough to swim:)
  3. TXgirl31

    My Pool - Houston TX

    Beautiful pool!! Just love it :)
  4. TXgirl31

    Considering demo and rebuild

    Kimkats that sounds like a plan ;) sometimes I feel silly for just not being happy with it! I try, I really do but it's not the outdoor space we had in mind!
  5. TXgirl31

    Newbie from TX

    Oh yes it sure has grown out here! hope we don't grow to much !!
  6. TXgirl31

    Newbie from TX

    We've been here 3 years and love it!! Love the feel of being in the country! Kids love the schools and most folks are very friendly!!
  7. TXgirl31

    Considering demo and rebuild

    We have considered the moving options, but we love our house and location! Do not see a move happening, but we never know what the future holds ;) I've read that demo is around 15-20K and I've got quotes for adding hot tubs that range from 20-30K.. Which is what popped the whole re do idea in...
  8. TXgirl31

    Considering demo and rebuild

    Hi Texas splash thanks for your response! I've got 3 kids 4,8,&14.. Who enjoy the pool which is great, but my 8 y/o likes to swim lap races and our freeform curves to much for even 2 swimmers.. I can swim laps alone but 30' doesn't seem long enough. My 14 y/o jumps in and bumps bottom 6' deep...
  9. TXgirl31

    Newbie from TX

    Hi y'all!!! I'm new here, been a lurker for a little while now, finally decided what the heck and signed up!! I've been considering many options with my pool as far as to demolish the entire thing and start new.. In a few years of course.. That's why I'm here to get a little info and hope to...
  10. TXgirl31

    Considering demo and rebuild

    I'm looking for any information or anyone who has done a demolition and rebuild. Any advice is greatly appreciated! A little background we had our pool built about 3 years ago, we went into it very blindly and with a not so great builder.. Upon completion we were unhappy and a few years later...