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  1. P

    Remote Heater and Pump Activation using Shelly

    First, a few pics of the re-plumbed equipment pad. I bought and installed the heater last month, which required rerouting the pipes, and I added a bypass, because, why not. If you ever find yourself needing to reuse a valve or 2, get a Reed Tool Extreme Ream. Gold. Then, I didn't like...
  2. P

    Taming the green beast

    You'll remember this photo from my equipment post: Nothing pretty here. I turned on the pump without the filter and let it circulate for a few hours. Initial numbers had the pH above 8.6 and TA around 80. I put in around 100oz of acid and got the pH down to 7.5. That didn't fit it. :P...
  3. P

    Circulatory overhaul

    This seems like as good a place as any to put this post. So let's dive in: What I've got: I have a 22,000gal (roughly) inground swamp which came as part of a foreclosure home I bought in Oct. The swamp came with no equipment, just an empty pad, which is good news to me, now I can install...
  4. P

    Hello from Ohio

    Hi All :) New to pool maint, though I have owned a hot tub for several years. I inherited a giant mess in the form of a foreclosure pool. All of the equipment was stolen, but the debris cover was in place. The water is black. The tadpoles love it. Anyway, I feel encouraged reading the other...