Search results

  1. Marci M

    Algae take over

    Aloha! We have been experiencing a big algae problem for several weeks. I have my FC at shock level but it’s still green. FC: 20 CC: 1 TC: 21 TA: 70 CYA: 50 How can the pool still be green when FC is so high. I’m also backwashing and rinsing a LOT, but water from returns are green too...
  2. Marci M

    Adding chemicals

    Hi, is is there a specific order to adding pool chemicals? My pool needs MA and bleach, not sure which to start with or how long to wait between adding the other. Thank you
  3. Marci M

    How long can I have my pool completely drained while waiting for new vinyl liner?

    Hello, I am about to order my new liner through my installer. We've been dealing with leaks that has led to an over whelming wrinkles. We have roots that have begun poking through the liner which must me dealt with before the new install. We figured it'll be easier to replace and start fresh...
  4. Marci M

    New batch of wrinkles

    Hello! I hope I'm posting this in the right place. I've used the forum before but only for algae issues. Several new wrinkles seemed to pop up over the past two days. I had to add stabilizer earlier this week and my ph typically runs high (8.2), so I do use MA on a fairly regular basis. We...
  5. Marci M

    Slamming with CYA at ZERO

    I have started to SLAM my pool, but my CYA is at zero. I tested it with two different test kits just to be sure. Is this okay or should I be adding stabilizer at this time? Aloha, Marci
  6. Marci M

    Muriatic Acid GREEN

    This is the first time since converting to TFP that I need to add muriatic acid to my pool. I realized that I may have bought the wrong product. Is there anything wrong with using muriatic acid Green? Also, the warnings say to not mix the product with chlorine products, but I need to add...
  7. Marci M

    Silica sand vs. beach sand

    We are just replenishing the sand in our filter. We spent $24 per bag of silica sand. I live in Hawaii and I'm surrounded bu the most beautiful beaches full of FREE white sand. Is there any reason I can't get a few buctets to add to my filter?
  8. Marci M

    Yellowish/brownish cloudy areas

    Hello, Fairly new to TFP. Completed my first drain/refill and slam a few weeks ago. Since the my pool has been extremely clear and very easy to manage with bleach.:cool: For the past few days we have noticed yellow/brown cloudy areas around the pool. I have tried adding my maintenance bleach...
  9. Marci M

    Daily Tests

    I realize that this is a total newbie question, but I'm really confused. If my daily Chlorine OT tests only for TC, how do I know how much bleach to add if the amount is based on FC? Do I need to the DPD test every day to figure out how much FC I have?
  10. Marci M

    **UPDATE** NO LONGER Frustrated after drain and refill

    Before I drained 3/4 of my pool water my chemical results were: FC: 1.5 CC: 1 Ph: 7.2 TA: 190 CH: 125 Cya: 150 Completed the refill and retested just now: FC: 1 CC: 1 PH: 7.2 TA: 140 CYA: 90 I'd really hate to have to drain and refill again. What can I do? This is my first conversion to this...
  11. Marci M

    URGENT!! Draining pool

    I'm in the process of draining and refilling my pool to lower my CYA. It took longer than I thought to drain it. I have a vinyl pool. Would it be okay to leave my pool half empty till I can refill it tomorrow? (Approximately 12 hours) Will the integrity of my pools structure be compromised...
  12. Marci M

    New to the site AND to the pool world.

    Aloha! I'm Marci and I live in Hawaii. We just bought a house with a pool that we should be able to use all year around. My only resource for pool stuff is the local pool store, but I can't get to them very often because of my work schedule. So far I've spent way more time cleaning and trying...
  13. Marci M

    Chemicals Gone Wild

    Help! Pool newbie, just got my TF-100 test kit. I have been using strips until my kit came in the mail. (very inaccurate results.) My actual results are: FC: 1.5 CC: 1 Ph: 7.2 TA: 190 CH: 125 Cya: >100 I use 3" tabs regularly via inline chlorinator. I have added ph up almost daily. I still...