Search results

  1. C

    Slam + mustard algae clarification

    I am in day four of SLAM for cloudy water and MA. I just noticed more MA growing than I have seen on days 1-3. There is also more gray powdery residue so I do think I am making some progress. At a 50 CYA, I have aimed for 20 ppm FC with the understanding that once the pool passes three SLAM...
  2. C

    Slam + mustard algae + auto cover

    Currently on day four of a SLAM for cloudy water and (what I suspect is) mustard algae. Making decent progress on the 3 criteria and hope that be ready for 24 hour MA SLAM soon. I know to run fountains and soak pool toys, etc. during MA slam but looking for advice as to how to ensure auto cover...
  3. C

    New Pool: Short Lived Backwash & Cloudy Water

    What a great forum to stumble upon. Thank you to all who give their time so freely to help others! We have a brand new fiberglass pool and have been swimming for 2 months. Two problems (possibly related) that I would appreciate advice on: 1) Post backwash pressure runs 18 psi with our 300...