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  1. nyvram

    I'm back! New pool...lots of questions! (and pics). Hoping y'all can sort me out again. :-D

    I'll post pics below; but it seems fairly straightforward so far but there are things that are new to me that I don't understand. Pool Layout - I'm guessing roughly 30,000 gallons, it has a proper deep end (8 feet), vinyl liner - 4 returns - 2 drains - 1 strainer basket - Fiberglass steps -...
  2. nyvram

    SR Smith Typhoon issue - cracked valve & pipe. Need help (1) removing existing glued PVC and (2) how to prevent cracking in winter

    First things first, the slide is only 1-2 years old and SR Smith already sent a repair kit (see below) but we're on our own to swap it. We just moved into the house and discovered the cracked pipe but seller led us to believe he would fix under warranty..but all he did was contact SR to get the...
  3. nyvram

    Vinyl pool, fiberglass steps cracking/repair cycle getting old

    Hi all, I have a liner pool with steps that have cracked several times in the last 4 years both top and second steps. The water leaking from my pool each time has definitely worn away the backfill and you can tell when stepping into the pool there's literally nothing under them. I put a new...
  4. nyvram

    can someone recommend a white paint to use on fiberglass steps that are being repaire

    my brain has gone on overload looking at all the videos and complicated epoxy mixes, etc. online. surely there's a good paint i can apply (step will be out of the water for repair) then fill the water back up. is there a simple 'just paint this on' solution?
  5. nyvram

    Do they make something that monitors the chlorine/pH levels in pool automatically?

    This may be a dumb question but I've used the little Taylor test kits for years and I'm wondering if this can be automated?
  6. nyvram

    Why go for expensive hayward/pentair pool RGB LED when you can get one for under $100

    on Amazon or somewhere. I'm looking at the Bonbo 'switch-controlled' (changes color each time you turn it on/off) RGB LED that swaps in place of the traditional 500w incandescent. I get that the ones with a remote are not going to work very well due to the metal around the bulb and being...
  7. nyvram

    Thoughts on "GOPLUS" inflatable spa? 5-star review at Amazon but its new

    Not sure if posting links is allowed but its easy enough to find at amazon. I'm not ready to commit to an installed spa but the Intex is a steaming pile of error codes so I'm not ready to throw more money at them. In particular it looks like they've removed all pureSpa links from the website...
  8. nyvram

    Intex spa fans - giving up on old bubble model & considering the 4jet/swg version..

    Intex spa fans - giving up on old bubble model & considering the 4jet/swg version.. a few questions 1. why are there no spas on the intex site anymore? are they discontinuing all their spa products? if you search for spas, you get zero results if you try to actually look at the details of...
  9. nyvram

    Cracked fiberglass stairs, found a local guy who can fix them but need suggestions

    on white paint to use on the stairs after the repair is complete. does anyone have any suggestions or know of a product that will stand up to being underwater that can be painted over fiberglass? its been quite a journey to find a solution to the cracked stairs..i would think this is an...
  10. nyvram

    Year 2 of my liner pool lessons learned --- HUGE improvement over Year 1!

    Thank you so much to everyone on this board. My pool maintenance went from a nightmare last year where it seemed like I could never EVER get away from the algae to literally spending about 15-20 minutes a day this year along with maybe an hour cleaning during the weekend. Here are some things...
  11. nyvram

    Why does Taylor chlorine test fade after 15-20 seconds but my 'off brand' one doesnt?

    I will take some pics today & post them. I have a taylor-troubleshooter chlorine tester that requires 2 chemicals to be added and it turns PINK and a generic brand (can't remember the name) uses a single chemical and the results turn YELLOW I can test the exact same water, at the exact same...
  12. nyvram

    Anyone install zwave or wifi intermatic switch? How do you handle pump scheduling?

    I installed the good ol' Intermatic CA3750 zwave switch and I love it!! Finally solved the problem of always flipping the breaker when I need to turn the pump on and off and the zwave/automation is a HUGE plus. So at the moment I have set it up to run for 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the...
  13. nyvram

    I read all the guides on closing but I think I have more questions than answers

    Pool dimensions are listed below. I live in Franklin, TN so we drop below freezing several times in the winter. The pool cover is the green thingie with the little clips that you raise with an allen wrench all around the pool. 2 returns, 1 main drain, 1 skimmer Questions: 1. So we drop the...
  14. nyvram

    added pool sock to my pump basket..raised filter pressure 1psi

    is that normal? i am hoping this helps to keep the system running better but i don't want to put additional strain on the filter and pump. thanks!
  15. nyvram

    :( clouds in my coffee (pool) this am..what did i do wrong with my SLAM

    Ok so I'll try to be brief; I SLAMed for roughly 7 days. At the start CYA was 60 (so I think I needed to maintain 24) and then droppped to 50 by the end (evaporation, vacuuming to waste & adding new water plus rain) so I kept it at 20 after it changed. I have maintained OCLT < .5 for several...
  16. nyvram

    Things I've learned (true or false)

    You do a *OVERNIGHT* CLT because the sun isn't out to suck chlorine from your pool and so the results are more likely to be accurate You can do almost all on-going maintenance with a chlorine pool with nothing but Chlorox, Arm & Hammer and a little elbow grease. ;) Grandma was right! If your...
  17. nyvram

    3/4hp one speed pump attached to a circuit breaker..timer suggestions?

    need advice on a timer or something that can turn it on and off on a schedule. what are good products that will run me under $100? i eventually may upgrade to a variable speed if this unit dies but for now, i just want the best bang for the buck..a good timer i can schedule and maybe even...
  18. nyvram

    Need advice! Looking to add fountain or waterfall to pool (PIC)

    I don't know where to start out even exactly what I'm asking for.. I have a vanilla pool and now that y'all shown me how to keep it looking nice.. Im looking to add some type of fountain or waterfall or something to make the pool more fun for the kids. How do I get started on this? I know less...
  19. nyvram

    SLAM complete! How much do I owe y'all? (Pics)

    So I finally completed my first SLAM and everyone was right.. Each day it seemed to get more impossibly blue and clear.. I was living with a green nightmare before. A million thanks and my wife thinks I'm a genius now after all the frustration with pool stores. She was highly skeptical at...
  20. nyvram

    Question about borax - have a vinyl liner pool under a massive amount of trees

    Pool is about 1/2 in the shade by 3 pm and full sun by about 10am in the morning. Would i be a caondidate to use borates to keep my pool sparkling? I am just completing my first SLAM and I cannot believe how good the pool looks already. Absolutely blown away. I never want it to turn green...
  21. nyvram

    Day 4 of SLAM..2 green clouds of algae edition..impeller issue?

    So I vacuumed my pool to waste last Friday and topped the pool of with fresh water prior to starting SLAM. I also emptied the pump basket. Since Sunday I've mainly netted the bottom of the pool and had the drain valve cranked on high. I've also kept a close eye on the sand filter pressure...
  22. nyvram

    FC 29 last night around 9..28 at 7am.. But new algae?

    I'm on day 3 of SLAM. Very encouraged by how much more stable the chlorine levels are this am but discouraged to find green on the liner in places again. I put 58 drops into the chlorine test last night before it turned clear and 56 this morning. I removed the new debris and brushed the algae...
  23. nyvram

    SLAM.. Am I doing it right?

    OK my FC was 7.5, CC .5 and CYA was 60 (it was 50 until my wife dumped a bunch of shock in Friday night.. Glad I tested it again before I started yesterday) Started around 1pm.. CYA guide said I need FC to be 24 which for me was 2.9 121oz bottles. Brushed the algae down.. Checked filter.. All...
  24. nyvram

    Ok, TF-100 has arrived and I'm ready to SLAM but have questions

    Been adding 121oz jugs daily for several FC was off the charts there (urine orange in the yellow test kit) but I haven't added any in the last 2 days and I vacuumed to waste and we had rain and the kids got in the pool with the elevated chlorine even though I said not to.... *ANYWAY*...
  25. nyvram

    3 more questions; 1 about PSI, 1 about estimated gallons and 1 about taylor FC test

    First I finally got my pressure gauge in the mail (the one on the multiport was broken) and hooked it immediately jumped to 24 psi (and the needle kind of wiggles at that position). since i hadn't backwashed in a couple weeks i did a quick backwash and after done i was at 19 psi. is...
  26. nyvram

    Franklin TN Pool

    Our dream house..but fighting the good fight against algae right now!
  27. nyvram

    Bought a $100 tub of "In the Swim" chlorine tabs before finding this forum..

    Bought a $100 tub of "In the Swim" chlorine tabs before finding this forum.. i don't want to use them now that it appears liquid chlorine is these most efficient way to go. any suggestions? should i plan to use them as well or sell on ebay? i really hate that i spent that money literally 2...
  28. nyvram

    New pool owner needs some help (have tried to go it alone until now)

    First off, opened the pool in April and installed a new pool liner at the same time. Since then we've been constantly fighting algae. Here are the specifics: - In ground chlorine vinyl pool "octagon" shape about 20/30 feet by 10/12 feet (I know..i need to measure the dang thing) and its 6ft...