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  1. N

    When determining pool volume with a chemical test which test is best?

    I have a pool with a very complex shape (hopper style) and received very detailed instructions on using the TA test and precisely adding baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) to raise TA or acid to lower it and using the new TA (total alkalinity) achieved to back figure the pool volume but I don't...
  2. N

    What can cause raising CH to require double the calcium chloride Pool Math says?

    My CH was down to 120 so I added 50 pounds of calcium chloride and it only increased CH to 225 . Pool Math says 27 pounds should have done that. 50 pounds should have taken it over 300. I am pretty sure my pool volume can't be off that much. I did this with chlorine pretty high (near...
  3. N

    Is there a pool volume quantitative test?

    For years I have wondered why there is no test for pool volume so I thought "maybe" there is and I just haven't found it so I am posing the question here for the experts. I "think" my pool's volume is 29,000 gallons but more often than not the quantities of chemicals I add don't raise the...
  4. N

    Two drops acid demand every day with small change in PH or TA?

    I am baffled this year but ordered the Pro version of the TF test kit which arrives later today to rule out bad chemicals. My question is: What would cause my attempt to achieve a 7.2 PH so I can SLAM the pool to continue demanding acid (The old Taylor 2006 says 2 drops worth every day for...
  5. N

    Temporary (and easy) way to block pool return jets

    Can anyone tell me if there is an easy way to block pool return jets (with the eyeballs left in place) temporarily while I work on the piping? It seems like there should be a way to place soft rubber "mats" or something over those supply jets and let the water pressure hold them in place. My...
  6. N

    Silver Ion vs other Sanitation System

    Moved from Here Will the silver ion content keep the water safe (no germs and bacteria) if there are NO bathers but the water is cold? I understand at 104 degrees F the MPS added before each use acting "with" the silver ions is an effective sanitizer but I don't want to keep our Jacuzzi heated...
  7. N

    Granular Chlorine (Calcium Hypochlorite) short term storage

    I'm here because I have let cyanuric acid levels get too high but in Columbia, SC I haven't found a good source of liquid chlorine so I have switched to calcium hypochlorite until backwashing restores decent CYA levels. I'd like to fill cups with about a pound of granular chlorine and store...