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  1. D

    High CYA level - 120 - Drain half of the pool?

    My pool has a CYA level of 120. I was using Dichlor and Trichlor for years but recently switched to bleach. Should I drain half of the pool and then refill it? Also, the hardness of the pool is 310. Will I need to add calcium after I refill it? If so, should I just use calcium...
  2. D

    Accuracy of Test Strips

    I am reading a lot about the inaccuracies of test strips from this forum as well as others but I'm a little skeptical. Are these people marketing these products? I'd like to see proof before I spent money on a more expensive test that is more complicated. Are there any studies out there that...
  3. D

    Why isn't my TC higher than FC?

    My pool was cloudy yesterday and the total chlorine (TC) and the FC was 0. Here are the readings from yesterday from the pool store. CH 240 TC 0 FC 0 pH 7.3 TA 150 CYA 70 I figured that the water was cloudy because I was getting algea. So I added 4 gallons of 6% bleach last night and...