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    High TA Question

    Hi friends! Pool is sparkling! All summer long! Things are great! FC and CC are well controlled, along with my CYA. All is well. One question... My TA is high (around 200-225) and I can't get it down. My PH runs around 7.8 and I will lower with MA to 7.4 every so often but my TA never...
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    Beginner FC level question

    So I am doing well with my pool so far this year...happy to be using TFP method and understanding A LOT! My question is this: my FC minimum and target levels are 4-6. I have dropped below minimum levels a couple times (3-3.5) and feel like I'm scared to death when I do--waiting for the cloudy...
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    Filter basket Q

    I'm having issues with cleaning out my filter basket (the one at the filter, not the skimmer)...When I open the top to get the basket out to clean it, it drains all the water out of there and then it takes it a while to fill back up when I turn the filter back on. I'm afraid of damaging my...
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    CC question

    I finished slamming my pool on Sunday. I passed the OCLT, have crystal clear water, and my CC was 0.5. My water is still crystal clear, my FC levels are staying above the target level even (it's about 8 and my target level is 6). My question CC level last night was 1.0. Is this a reason...
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    For any doubters and people on the fence with TFPC......

    I just wanted to try to help some people who may be "on the fence" with listening to this site and using these methods versus the pool store...I know it can be scary and feel like you are making a wrong decision either way you go.... I am a new pool owner due to the purchase of a home last...
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    My first SLAM...encouragement needed...

    Making sure I'm on the right track here with this... started my SLAM on Thursday, 5/7/15 at 9pm. My pool was clear but not sparkling. My initial testing numbers showed CC=3 so started the SLAM. Here's my process so far... 5/7/15 9pm FC=11 CC=3 pH=less than 7.0 TA=220 CYA=40 Added bleach (to...
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    My first readings...

    Just tested for the first time. Now what?!? :) Using the Taylor K-2006 FC 11 CC 3 Ph 7.0 (probably less but doesn't go down any further than that) TA 220 CH didn't test CYA 40 Get the ph down with borax and then SLAM due to CC?? Opinions/help appreciated... Water is clear but not sparkling...
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    Best place in the pool to add bleach?

    Just a quick question : when adding the bleach, do you pour around the whole pool, in front of the skimmer, or in front of a jet that's blowing into the pool? I think I have misread the instructions somewhere...thought it would be easier to just ask you all on here for a quick answer. Thanks!
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    New to ALL this...

    Just a couple quick questions here....I'm waiting on my testing kit... (Taylor K-2006). In the meantime, I have chlorine tabs in my chlorinator - is this a NO-NO? My pool is currently cloudy and has been since opening. I can at least SEE the bottom now (after lots of $$$ spent at the pool...