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  1. W

    Deck cracks and gap around spillover insert

    Hi all, I have a few cracks in the deck, one around the skimmer that looks a little concerning. Also have large gap around a spillover spa insert. Been reading, looks like many recommend the deck-o-seal product. Figured I'd give that a shot, just not sure it'd work on the insert as well. Pretty...
  2. W

    Brand new liner, brand new divot

    After following the advice of many on here, we replaced our liner after some damage following a hurricane. Literally just finished filling today. Was raking some leaves out and I found a divot in the back wall sloping down to the floor. Not in the wall, just the sloping part of the floor. Just...
  3. W

    Do I need to replace liner and fill asap or can I leave it drained until spring?

    After the most recent hurricane, I started losing water at a drastic pace. I'm going to be getting a minimal amount of money from my insurance company to replace the liner. Don't necessarily have a funds to do it until next year, but I've read somewhere people may need to fill their pool back up...
  4. W

    Holes for safety fence or cover?

    Hey everyone, trying to figure out if these holes are for a safety fence or a pool cover. We have two little ones now so looking to put up a safety fence. Trying to see if I can use these for the safety fence since they surround the pool. If so, are the holes universal or does it require a...
  5. W

    Trying to finally get numbers right, working with low CYA

    I strayed from the path for a year and am trying to get my pool back in shape. I had to order some replacement parts for my test kit, which I got in today. When I tested the other day, pH was >8.2, darker than the darkest color, Cl was >5, I was out of the specific reagent. I shut off my...
  6. W

    First pool, first test, first post

    Hi everyone, new pool owner, just bought our first house end of March and working on getting this pool in shape. Ive been reading your forum for about 2 months now and it is extremely helpful. Since taking over I've had to replace the filter and the motor, but everything should be working...