Search results

  1. E

    Stuck Spider Valve Gasket

    I'm attempting to replace a spider valve gasket. The old one appears to have never been replaced, making it about 17 years old. I've read a few different threads on this but guess I was hoping someone had a magic procedure to get this thing out. I've gone at it with a flathead screwdriver but...
  2. E

    Pool Pump Help/Reco

    I have a 15 year old, what looks to be Pentair 2hp single speed pump (decals are all faded or scratched off). Long story short, it's at the end of it's life. Looking online, the pump appears to be on the higher end of the price spectrum. Any recommendations for something similar that won't be...
  3. E

    Where to start before SLAM

    My results as of about 6am this morning are below. My question is where do I start? I'm assuming adjust the PH first? What effect will that have on my other numbers? FC: 0 CC: 0 PH: 8 TA: 60 CH: 350 CYA: the dot never disappeared This is a 30k gallon plaster pool. Standard DE filter and...
  4. E

    Cloudy water after adding DE

    I took apart and cleaned the filter cartridges. After getting everything back together, I added DE into the skimmer. Next thing I know, it's all shooting out of the returns. What happened? How do I fix it?
  5. E

    Trouble with salt qty to add

    Hi - So the pool has been shocked (FC was at .4) and cleaned and is relatively clear (minus the cloudiness from the shock). Do I need to wait a few hours and check the FC again to determine how much salt to add? It's currently at 0 as the pool was run without using the SWG before we bought the...
  6. E

    Bubbles/Air in system

    I've searched around the forum and found a few threads around this but nothing very specific. When I turn my pump on, everything seems to be working fine for a few minutes. Then it slowly starts to develop air in the pump basket and small bubbles start coming out of the return side (just one...
  7. E

    New Owner Question

    I'm somewhat new here. I've searched through the forums but it seems the best results come from posting pool type, size, equipment, etc. with current chem numbers so here it goes. Dallas/Fort Worth area (will add to signature later) 30,000 gallon in-ground pool Pentair FNS Plus filter The...
  8. E

    Bad valve seal? Water draining inadvertently.

    Disclaimer: have only owned a pool for about four months Our pool has been filtering just fine and as far as I can tell, nothing else has changed. However, now when the filter comes on, the water level starts to drop rapidly and we have water coming out in front of the house (guessing main...