Search results

  1. T

    Quartzscapes - Do you have it? Do you like it?

    We are rapidly approaching the plaster phase and need to make a final decision on plaster asap (we're doing owner builder so this decision wasn't made at the beginning). Neither my husband or I like the feel of peppletec (too bumpy) or the look in shallow water. So we were originally thinking...
  2. T

    Pasadena Pool Build by Owner (from concept to cracks to water)

    My husband grew up with a pool and as a competitive swimmer I grew up practically underwater. We always knew we wanted a pool in our backyard "when we grew up." Two years ago his mom downsized, selling the house with the pool (aka eliminating our easy pool access) and we threw our savings into...
  3. T

    Introducing Myself

    I've been exploring the site for a couple of weeks now (or as my husband calls it "going down the rabbit hole") as we are building our first pool. Seems like a great community you have here and I thought I should introduce myself and say hello. We're building a 37 1/2 x 20 rectangular pool...