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    Hayward Skimmer for a Intex Setup

    Ok I have posted here before but this weekend is when I will be installing the new skimmer and we can't wait to dispose of the Intex over the wall. So in the below picture where is the best place to put the skimmer. The Intex inlet is to the left and the return is the one on the right which I...
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    Somewhat Newbie with Skimmer Questions

    This is our second year with this Intex pool and somewhat no problems from last year. We said this year we wanted to get away from the over the wall Intex basket and go with a Hayward inside mount or whatever you guys/gals call it:) I have searched the forum and I'm now just confused...
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    Intex Drain Adapter

    For us unlucky Intex owners that have to drain and put our pools away until next spring need some help on the draining of the pool. So as most of you know this is our first run with a pool so I just assumed when I saw the drain on the outside of the pool that I will would be able to simply put...
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    Update on our AGP.

    Not sure how many folks are from the northwest but for those not we have been having a summer that none of us Washingtonians can remember. Let's just put it this way it was a good year to invest in the pool that we did. I would say for the past three weeks we have averaged in the mid 80's:)...
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    Pump Suction Issues

    So I have the basic Intex Pump with Sand Filter(SF15110) with the basic over the wall skimmer. There are no problems with the pump and sand filter works awesome has lot's of suction and the return flow is good as well until I put on my Intex vacumn kit. What am I doing wrong? I submerged the...
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    Test Results

    Rookie results..... Chorline = 5 PH = 7.8 CYA = 50 TA = 70 CH= 25 --- way low when I tested on Friday I was in the high 200's Not sure how to post these scores so I listed out each one FC = 8 CC = 0 TC =8
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    Water little bit Cloudy

    Today was the true test for the pool. Had lots of folks adults and kids it was a good time. But as everyone was done the water in the pool seem a bit cloudy and it hasn't been like this before. What causes this and what test should I run to fix it. It isn't so bad that we can't see the...
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    Cover or not

    We have a blue solar cover and need to know the do's and dont's. For instance here In the NW we are going to have weather in the 80's for the next week so do I un cover during the day and cover at night or leave it covered unless we are using the pool. Thanks
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    Ok Newbie with my TF-100

    Ok so we put up the pool for the first time and have added nothing as of now. PH is 7.5 but my CYA is 0 but than again I haven't added anything as of now. So this tells me that I need stabalizer correct. If so what do I buy for stabalizer? Thanks
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    OK filling up the Intex and can't tell if we have a leak? Might sound crazy but I laid my padding down Friday evening along with a tarp to go over the insulation then constructed the pool yesterday. We had rain Friday night and early Saturday morning so I can't tell if the tarp is wet due to...
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    10 x 20 Intex Pool Install

    Just installed my pool and wow that was painless. We just have it constructed no filter or pumy installed yet. This was our first time setting up this pool that we received from some friends took less than a hour. :) We want to clean the exterior and Interror before filling with water what...
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    Test Kits and other goodies....

    So yes this is my FIRST pool I know I have asked a lot of newb questions but everyone here as been a lot of help. So the concrete pad is being pour on Wednesday in hopes to set up this weekend. Getting ready to purchase my TF-100 what else do I need to get with my test kit? Are there certain...
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    Most Bang for your $

    Ok we are getting closer in setting up our 20 x 52 Intex. Concrete pad is being poured next week then we should be good to go. The intex pool we have is the Metal frame 10x20 not the ultra and I have a question regrading the feet. How far do the feet stick out from the the 10x20 dimensions...
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    Pool Padding

    I have read about all the different options when it comes to padding but is the most economical product. We are placing pool on a concrete pad so we will want something between the concrete and the liner. Thanks
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    Concrete Pad for Intex Pool

    My wife and I are trying to decide what we want to do with our 22x13 pool area. Being that we are in the Pacific Northwest the pool will come down in the fall and back up in the spring and so we want an area that is usable when the pool is not up. We thought about a paver patio or a concrete...
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    Do I have enough room?

    Ok I need to make sure you pool experts agree with me or disagree before I start. So the area that I have is 24'x14' for a 20'x10' Intex Metal Frame pool. Next Saturday I have some guys coming out to take out grass and make the area level. So do I have them do the entire area or you think I...
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    Need ideas/advice on a pool in WA.

    OK we are new to the pool world so need some help. So we are putting up a 20 x 10 Intex that will be of course temporary due to our weather. First step of course is leveling out the area but the big question is what we do with the pool area during the 7-8 months that it's In the garage? I...
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    Intex 10 x 20 (52") Metal Frame Pool Questions

    Newb here from Puyallup, WA. We were given a 3 year old only used two summers from a good friend that was moving out of state that has a in ground pool so they gave this one to us. They have everything except the owners manual with a part list. How do I know I have everything needed to set up...